Well it's the weekend, finally. I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to it.
Anyway here is the a letter from a new person, Alfred Johnson. I don't think he is a relative. At least I don't think it's Grandpa's brother.
Here is what it says:
Park Falls Wis.
Feb. 20, 1924
Friend Howard.
I am writing to
let you know that there
will be a chance for you
to come up here and set.
for me this summer
if you want to come
let me know how
much you want per day
we have a new Enter-
Price mill it is a dandy
and I am sure you will
like it if you want to
come up and look it over
I will Pay your fare one
way we have 75000 trees
to saw
and will be ready to
start in about 2 weeks.
Alfred Johnson
My address is
J.A. Johnson
Park Falls
Bx 24 Wis
P.S. I am staying at
Wisconsin Hotel.
I think that he was offering Grandpa a job in a saw mill or logging or both. I wonder if he took the job or not? I do have a lot of pictures of logging. I just wonder if any were from this area or if most of them were closer to home.
For anyone who does not know where Park Falls is here is a map of where it is.
The population of Park Falls today is about 2,462. It was incorporated in 1912. Logging use to be the biggest business back in the day. A paper mill was and still is a large employer of the area.
Here are a few random pictures.
Just a couple of logging pictures that are from that area.
Just a picture of flowers that grandma planted in an old water tank.
Well that's about all I have for you this time.
So I hope you will come back and visit again real soon.
Your friend,
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