How are you? Did you have a good weekend? Mine was drama free.
Here is the next letter from Laura.
As always here is what it says:
Westboro Wis.,
Feb 24, 1924
Dear Howard:
I think I
will answer you letter
this afternoon. Saturday
afternoons are always
so long that I don't
know how to pass
away the time.
I was to the basket
ball game last night.
There surely was a
big crowd there.
were you there? I
don't think I saw you
or probably I didn't
know you.
I think I know who
wrote that letter
and signed my name
to it. I will tell you
who it is when I
see you. I didn't send
you the valentine and
I think the same person
sent the valentines that
wrote the letter. Save
the letter because I
would like to read
I am glad you like
bobbed hair then
probably you will
like me.
I would send you
a picture if I had
one. I haven't had my
picture taken since I
was a little girl.
Will you send me
a picture of yourself
if you have one. I
will close for this
time. Yours truly
Laura Spieles
It looks like the mystery continues over who wrote the first letter. As for the valentine she is talking about, this might be the one she is talking about.
I wonder if we will ever learn who the mystery writer is.
The reason I know that this is the valentine she is talking about is that this come in an envelope with the post mark of Feb. 13, 1924 Westboro, WI.
Sometimes reading these letters it's almost sounding like somebody from a time that is not so long ago. Talking about going to a basketball game, the team might have looked something like this.
Oh well here are a few random pictures.
I'm not sure who she is but she was asking how her bobbed hair looks.
Another unknown person with bobbed hair.
This is a picture of my older sister and it's her birthday today. Happy Birthday Sis!!!
Well that's all I have for you this time.
So till next time.
Yours truly,
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