I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was nice and the weather was just right. The sun shone. The husband was able to get some hay off a field and I just hung around home doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Evanston, Ill
June 13-28
Dear Howard:
Well, how are you anyway?
I hope not working too
hard for its pretty hot
to be working out doors.
Your letter was very
interesting and surely
I jut wrote to home
but I won't let on
when I am coming
I want to surprise
them some of these
days. I don't think
I better get off at
Westboro because
the train goes past
there so early in
the morning that
it would make it hard for
you to get up so early. You
can come over after I
get home that's if you care
to - and remember the
black eye your getting when
I see you for being a
naughty boy! Please do
not keep my picture there
where you said you put
it. I'm sure my looks
couldn't drive any ones
blues away (Ha Ha) You
make me laugh-
So many people are going
away for the summer
from here & too going
to different parts of Wisconsin
to that, so we should be
proud of our beautiful
state of Wis, shouldn't we
Howard? I know they have
a lot of pretty summer
resorts all over. City is
pretty tiresome especially
when one lives in the
busy part of it.
I'm invited to a big
wedding the 22nd of this
month. So I won't miss
it by any means. Another
man gone wrong. Hope you
never make that big mistake
Well, I'm sorry I haven't
time to write more but
you won't mind will you?
Hoping I hear from you
whenever you find spare
time to write.
I remain
Your new friend
Yes that was my sister
that caught the
fish that was in
the paper
you send.
(She also included some pictures of herself:)
Written on the back;
This is myself taken in different poses.
It was a nice letter.
I wonder where he was keeping her picture.
I wonder what kind of fish her sister caught and how big it was that it made the local paper.
I wonder how hot it was at that time.
I will say Wisconsin does have a number of different resorts that are very nice to stay at to this day.
I like the pictures she sent of herself. She looked like a very nice girl.
Here are two more viewer cars from the" Scenes from New York" set:
A street in the Tenement District.
Automobile Sightseeing.
Here is a picture of the Tenement district today:
It looks like it could be the same area but I can't be sure.
Today sightseeing around New York looks something like this:
Which way would you prefer?
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
I had to try and darken it. It is very faded. No idea who is in the picture or exactly when it was taken.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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