Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ruth: November 5, 1934; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. I know a lot of places are having a lot of trouble. I hope that very soon things will start to settle down and become safer for all. My weekend was short and a little expensive. My dryer broke on Saturday so we had to get a new one. Sunday we tried to go to the fair after 4 o'clock. There was not much there by the time we got there. So we ate at the 4H stand, took a lap and left. That's what happens when you wait till the last minute to go to the fair.You miss everything.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ruth:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                    Chicago, Illinois
                      November 4, 1934
Dear Howard:
How are you feeling these
beautiful fall days.
The Fair closed Wednesday
and I was down there in
the mob. We had a peach
of a time. We had to
hold on to one another or we
would have become
separated. It was so
packed at 23rd  Street that
we couldn't go beyond there.

We had to go on the Island.
Everyone was feeling so
happy and half of them
tight. I was glad I went.
We couldn't get in any place to
eat. Couldn't buy a thing.
Everything was so jammed.
It's closed now and I guess
a lot of people are sorry they
didn't go more often. I have had
many good times there.
That's enough of that.
Yesterday I went to the
Chicago & saw Mrs. Wiggs
of the Cabbage Patch.

it was very good. Did
you ever read that story?
Have you been over to
see Arnold lately? I got
a nice letter from him
when I got your last
letter. I take a long
time to answer don't I.
I am writing to him
today too.
Well, I'll have to sign off
as we are going to a dance &
it's time to leave.

I wonder how many times she went to the Worlds Fair that year.
It sounded like that fair ended with more attention then our fair did here.
As for "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch", it was a film at that time based on a novel written in 1901 by Alice Hagan Rice. This was the 3rd time it was made into a movie. The first was in 1914, the third in 1919. There was also a fourth one made in 1942. I think it is time to make another one since the entertainment business is in to remaking everything now a days.

 Image result for mrs. wiggs of the cabbage patch 1934
Wikipedia has a very good description of this story.

I do hope she enjoyed herself at the dance.

Here is a cartoon from the newspaper "Labor"  September 4, 1934:

The question is, Is it still an answer to Wall Street's prayers today?

Here is a poem and a few jokes from the same paper:

Enjoy. There are a few more jokes from this same paper that I will share with you over the last letters. Remember after this one there is only 3 more letters to go. After that I will tell you what I will try to do with this space.

I thought since there was so much talk about a fair I would show a picture from a fair gone by:

A lot of very interesting things on display.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, July 27, 2018

Thomas Johnson: Oct. 15, 1934; Chicago Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well, it's the end end of yet another wee. But my work week will not end till Saturday. I wish this overtime on Saturdays will end soon. I enjoy two day weekends more then one. How about you?
Anyway, here is a letter from Grandpa's brother Thomas who was in Chicago at this time to go to the Worlds Fair:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I thin it says:

                 Oct. 15 1934
Dear Howard
We were over to see
Hildings Sat. we and
they are fine greetings from
them and old Walins
I think I will be home
Thursday eve or Friday
The reason I am writing
is so as to let you
now when to expect
me. Hope everything is O.K.
have had warm and nice
so far, don't now
much to write now. We
are going to the fair today
Esther send best regards
            Your Brother

I guess just a brief note from Thomas.
I wonder how often he was with Esther.
I do hope he enjoyed the fair.

Here is a story from "The Bee" Thursday February 1, 1940:

I love the wording in this story. I wonder if this kind of story could be written today and what would it sound like.

Here is something I found  about a movie:

The picture came out in 1930.

Finally, here is a random picture:

This might be mas but I'm not sure.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a very good weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ruth: Oct. 14, 1934; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a very nice weekend. Mine was short but busy. Had a family get together on Saturday. I forgot my camera, so no pictures from me. On Sunday the husband and I went for a hike. About 5.1 miles. I know it was shorter then usual but with his ankle not being in the best shape the length was just right.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ruth:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                    Chicago Illinois
                      October 14, 1934
Dear Howard:
   I am not in a very good
writing mood, but I must
not delay answering your
letters any longer.
We are having some beautiful
weather. It is just glorious.
I went to the Fair last
Sunday and saw a few  of
the Village shows. Did you
see the Black Forest Show?
It was excellent. Did you
see Little Egypt? She was
rare and daring.

I received a letter from
Mrs. Fick and she said you
had called on them. They
think you are quite all right.
Is Slim working now?
What made him quit his
I cannot think of anything
else to write so I had better
sign off for the time

It looks like she went to the Worlds Fair.  I don't think I have anything from the Worlds Fair. But on line I did find a couple of post cards from there. Here is one.
Image result for Black forest show 1934

As Little Egypt, she was a Belly dancer.  I did find a number of Little Egypt's but I'm not sure which one appeared in the Worlds Fair 1934. I imagine she drew a crowd back then.

I guess Ruth was just not in a very good mood that day.

Here is a story from the newspaper "Labor"  Tuesday September 4, 1934:

Now that's what happens when you get matching luggage.

Now here is a poem from a newspaper called,"Svenska Amerikanaren" The Swedish American Newspaper. From September 11, 1924:

I will translate using Google translate:

You asked for a song

You asked for a song, dear
on a cheerful and happy melody.
How would you like this?
My song cannot be fun.

The instrument, my sick heart,
have no cords anymore,
and the string, as the recitals of narrow,
only twisted gnash ger.

Once there was a jubilee in the game,
for you sang where melody.
Then you went to the wrong place
in the harmony of strings.

It's a nice little poem. What do you think? I do wonder who N.K. is though.

I might scan a small story from time to time and try to translate it. It will take some time to do it though.

Here is a random picture:

No idea where or when this was taken. It doesn't look familiar to me.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a very good week.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, July 20, 2018

Gladys: Oct. 10, 1934

Dear Friends,
I hope your week was good. Mine was a little tiring from time to time plus I have to work Saturday. On Saturday the family is having another get together. I'll have to tell someone I will be there but not till after 1 pm. I just hope this having to work on Saturdays does not last to much longer. No fan of those kind of hours.
Enough whining, it's been awhile since there was a letter from Gladys so here it is:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                Oct 10/34
Dear Howard:-
  Thanks for letter
I had these pictures
over so I'm sending
them to you hope
thats O.K. by you -
let me know.
Had luncheon with
Gladys Holm yesterday
& so gave her your
message. She leaves
Friday to spend the
weekend with Edna
in Detroit.
The weather is
glorious here I hope
it stays that way
while Thomas sees
the fair.

Don't wear the old
Ford out so I can
never get that ride
you promised me
"Ha Ha"
So long & let
me know if these
pictures are enough
    Best wishes

As for the pictures she mentioned, they were not with this letter. They could something I've already shown you or maybe they were missed placed.
It looks like his brother Thomas was spending time at the Worlds Fair at that time. I do hope he enjoyed himself.
Still hanging out with Gladys Holm. Who then spent time with Edna. I hope everyone had a very nice time.
The weather was nice at the time.

  Here is a story from The Minnesota Union Advocate, august 30, 1934:

Because of the size of this story I scanned it in two pieces.
I wonder how much this would fit today.

Here is a story from "Fate" November 1950:

I wonder if these snails are still an issue today.

This is the last story from this magazine I will be showing for now. The rest of the stories are more then one page long.
I'm thinking about showing you stories from a newspaper called "Svenska Amerikanaren" The Swedish American Newspaper. From September 11, 1924. From Chicago, Ill.
It is in Swedish so I will have to translate them using Google Translate. I have to be careful when I scan it because it is a little fragile.

Finally, here is a random picture:

Not sure at this moment if I have shared this one before. I have a few picture of this woman. No idea who she is or when it was taken.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you all have a very good weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bessie: Oct. 4, 1934; Westboro, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a very good weekend. Mine was uneventful. The weather was a little too warm for me but, what ya gonna do. So no hiking for us.
Anyway, here is a letter from someone named Bessie:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                   Westboro, Wis.
                   Oct 4, 1934
Dear Howard
  Thanks a lot for letting
us know about the house.
I am very sorry to have
caused you that bother
we found a place here
nearer camp to move into.
Eugene didn't want me
so far away from him
I guess. We are moving
to Pete Fausts house.
Please come down and
see us sometime and
we will do the same.
Your letter was missent
to to Medford and a didn't
get it until yesterday.
that's why I didn't answer

any sooner.
Thanks again for the
              Your friend

It sounds like Grandpa must have been trying to help Bessie and Eugene  find a place to live. I do wonder what house he found for them.
I think that their names have been mentioned before by someone.

Here is a picture from The Minnesota Union Advocate, August 30, 1934:

 This is a scene on the Minneapolis strike front which immediately preceded the shooting of Henry Ness,
veteran striker, and the wounding of 50 others. Men who tried to carry the wounded from the scene were shot down by police.

Here is part of a head line from the same paper:

The top head line on this page is:


Maybe sometime I'll find away to share the whole story that goes with this headline. It covers about 3/4 of the page.

Here is a story from "Fate" November 1950:

I guess my idea about being messed up kind of makes you an expert in understanding others that are just as messed up or worse.

Finally, a random picture:

Not sure what year this was taken but I do remember that being there when I was growing up.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, July 13, 2018

Cousin Walter: Oct. 2, 1934; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well the week is almost over. I still have to work Saturday for 6 hours. This week at work it was on the busy side for me. On Thursday I was always moving. I just hope that next week things will be at least a little bit calmer.
Anyway, it's been awhile, but here is a letter from Walter:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                 Chicago Ill.
Dear Howard:
              Received eggs and
letter last week. Thanks a
lot for both. The eggs certainly
were good.
              Was glad to know
that you got back safely and
with out any trouble. It
must have been rather tiresome.
      Esther moved Sat.
and is just about settled by
now. I'm all tired out from
carrying all that junk up to
the 3rd floor. Her new
address is 4132 N Pulaski
   Let us hear from you
once in a while.
I sent that glass flower last Wed.
Hope she got it O.K.

We are sending case back
tomorrow. Thanx

It sounds like Grandpa had spent time in Chicago.
I do wonder how the eggs were sent. Would that happen today?
I wonder who Emily was. Was she one the letter writers I've shown you?
I wonder how long Esther lived in the place.
What is Esther's last name?

Here are a couple of stories from a paper called, "Union Advocate; The Peoples Voice; St. Paul Minnesota, August 30, 1934:

I wonder if the book he wrote is still around.

This paper was the Labor Day Edition.
I might sometime try to show some of the longer stories.

Finally, a random picture:

No idea who they are or when it was taken exactly. Maybe someone will be able to tell me.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I just counted the letters left, 8. But I know there are a few other with dates from somewhere in the thirties, forties and maybe fifties dates that I have not really decided when I will show them. I will let you know later what I plan to do with this blog.
So, I do hope you will still come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ruth Helene: Sept. 26, 1934; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a very nice weekend. Mine was good. We were able to hike on Sunday. We did a little over 9 miles. A little farther then we planned. It was a little on the hot side. it was still a very nice hike.
Anyway, here is a letter from Ruth:

I'm not going to rewrite this one because it is typed.

It looks like she worked for Standard Red Crown Gasoline.
Image result for standard red crown gasoline
This is what a gas station could have looked like. This one was in Saint Louis. Not sure what year this is from.
I'm not sure if any are still open today.

I wonder if Grandpa was able to mail the card in.
It does sound like he did go to the Worlds fair that year.
I do like the paper she used. Very different.

Here is a picture from The Milwaukee Journal; Friday, March 20, 1936:

Water in Pittsburgh's business district was slowly receding Thursday as the flood moved westward, gripping Wheeling, W. Va., and other Ohio river cities and towns. This picture shows the flooded streets of downtown Pittsburgh near the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. -A.P. Wirephoto.

I wonder how long it took this area to get back to normal or I should say get cleaned up.

Here is a story from "Fate" November 1950:

I wonder how many Earth like world are out there.
Will we someday be able to move to different planets or is it just a dream?

Here is a random picture:

No idea who they are, when it was taken or where.
I'm sure someone might tell me, eventually.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a very good week.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, July 6, 2018

Carol Olsen: Sept. 11, 1934; Milwaukee, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. Mine was good. nothing bad happened. I didn't watch any fireworks because I still had to go to work on Thursday. Not as early as Monday. I did listen to the booms from my bed though. But I also now have to work on Saturday. The weather is suppose to kind of nice this weekend. Maybe we will be able to get a hike in on Sunday. Time will tell.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Carol:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                            Milwaukee Wis.
                              Sept -11-34
Howdy Howard:
          I received your letter this
morning; so I thought I would
answer rite away. Talk about being
prompt- That's me.
No I haven't been to the fair
and do not think I will get there
Again no we did not have our
beach party. The weather has
been very miserable.
I started to keep a diary
last week. It is a lot of fun.
Say Howard if I ever had
my picture taken it would
break the camera. How about
you sending me a picture of
Last Wednesday I turned my
ankle. Talk about pain. That
was it. I couldn't walk for a
day. I went nuts that day sitting
around and doing nothing.

This morning it rained for awhile
and then the sun would come
I am invited to an Italian
birthday party the 22 of this month
I do not know if I am going or not
  Next week I am going to start
nite school. I do not know what
I am going to take up yet.
  Wasn't that a evitable fine
on the bout? That makes a person
think twice before they go on a
Well have you been going any
place or doing anything exciting? I
have been going out quite a good
deal I am getting so tired of going
out that it isn't anything funny.
Sorry I haven't any decent stationary
to answer your letter with, but
I haven't been down to the "Hotel"
for a long time. But I still have
an envelope left as you see.

There is only one reason that
I do not like to write letters
and that is cause I am such
a rotten writer. So you can
read what you can an and
emagine imagine the rest.
I made some keen fudge
yesterday as a friend of mine.
She has 4 children so you can
imagine how long it lasted.
I am visiting my girl friend
and believe her lobbenesry and the
baby yellcry makes it nulker hand
to conceulate or a business
letter oh yeah.
You should see me. I am
sellery here chewing my cud
like a ordinary cow!
My brain refuses to function.
so will have to close. Bye
Answer soon   As ever

My address is
Miss Carol Olsen
 1900 East Beverly Rd

This was another challenging letter. Between the write and her spelling, this letter was very challenging. I know there are some words that are wrong but I wasn't sure what she meant to say. Or maybe some of the words are Swedish. Maybe you can do a better job then I did figuring them out.
I wonder if she ever sent a picture and did Grandpa send her one.
It sounds like she was a good cook.
I wonder how often people used stationary from hotels without staying there?
I think she went to an Italian birthday party. I wonder if they did anything special at an Italian party?

Here is a story from "The Bee"; Thursday, February 1, 1940:

This is a very interesting story. Could it be something that would apply to what's going on today. Remember this was WWII going on in Europe.

Here is a story from "Fate" November 1950:

 Are there still apes on Gibraltar? I'll have to look it up.
I looked it up, yes they are still there. About 300 today. Here is a picture of one:

Image result for apes of gibraltar

Finally, here is a random picture:

It looks like they have hay down that might be ready to be raked. Grandma is the one walking forward. This might be from 1968 but developed in 1969.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a very good weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,