I hope this post finds you well and about ready to enjoy the 4th of July weekend. I know I am.
This next letter is from J.G.W. Berglund. I do remember him some. I don't think he was ever married.
As always here is what it says:
Bible training School
Fort Wayne, Ind.
November 26, 1921
Dear Cousin Howard,
By this time I
believe you have received the Bible
sent to you by Harry and me, and
I trust you have also read some
portion and perchance memorized
a verse or two.
My prayer and wish is, that
this may be an infinite blessing
to you during life. Remember it is
only as you read consistently and
prayerfully that you become fully
acquainted with the author Jesus Christ.
Make this verse yours Palm 1119:11
then you will rejoice with me
in knowing Him.
I shall mail you some pictures
later on when they are developed.
Best wishes from Harry and me.
He and I together bought this Bible
for you. Most sincerely
J.G.W. Berglund
I wonder what happened to the Bible that they gave to grandpa?
I always knew him as Bill Berglund.
Here is a picture of him.
I also found a picture of the Bible Training School.
It's had a number of different names over the years. Now it is Crossroads Bible College.
Looking through the pictures I found a picture of Harry.
I'm not sure when this was taken. I don't think I ever met him.
Here are a couple of pictures in honor of the 4th of July.
I remember when they had the mailboxes painted like this.
I'm not sure when it was taken or why only half the picture is here. Eventually I will posting letters from these two young ladies, I think.
Well that's all I have for you this time.
Once again I hope you have a very enjoyable 4th of July weekend and stay safe.
As always,
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