I hope this letter finds everyone feeling good and looking forward to the weekend.
This next letter, as you can see, is from a new person, Rose E. Hoelscher. I wonder how Grandpa knew her brother? Oh well here is what she wrote.
It's not real hard to read but, here is what it says:
Alert lea Minn
Jan 23 1922
Mr. H.H. Johnson
Dear Mr. Johnson:
I will write you a few lines
for you wrote to my brother
John H. Hoelscher some time ago
but he never got to answer
your letter so I thought I would
write a few lines.
I always hate to see letter not answered
that are wrote. My brother has so many
letters from girls to answer.
I live on a 120 a. farm 6 miles from Albert Lea
and 3 miles from Twin Lakes.
Albert Lea has a population of about eight
thousand it is a pretty city it has
two lakes and two parks. have you ever
been to Albert Lea is Ogema a large
The weather is very cold here now.
It was 18o below zero this morning
We has quite a little snow there is
pretty good Sleighing now.
Well I will describe myself a little
I am 5 feet 6 inches tall have brown hair
and brown eyes and my weight is about 138
lbs. Please describe yourself if you answer
this letter.
Have you any brothers and sisters?
I have one brother and one sister.
My mother is dead, she has been dead
six years the 20 of this month,
and so I have kept house for my father
ever since.
I will close for this time
excuse my poor writing
I am hoping to hear from you
An unknown friend
Miss Rose E. Hoelscher
Albert Lea
R.F.D. 4 Box 36
She sounds like a nice person. I think she believes in staying on top of things and not to let things lie around to long. I see her as an efficient kind of person.
Now she is from Albert Lea Minn. and she lives on a 120 acre farm. She said that Albert lea had over 8 thousand people in 1922.
I looked it up on the internet and now it has over 18,000 people. So in almost one hundred years the population has increased by 10,000. I guess that sounds about right.
She said her brothers name was John. So looked up to see if I could find any John Hoelscher. Here is what I found.
I wonder if it's possible it is the same person. The date of birth looks like it could be about right. What do you think?
I'm looking forward to more of her letters if there are any.I don't remember right now because they are all mixed up by date. So stay tuned.
Here are a few random pictures I choose for your viewing.
I thought this was an interesting picture of someone taking a picture of someone posing for the camera, I think.
This is my uncle Kenny working in Ag. shop at school in 1960.
This is Grandpa just taking it easy. I remember him in this spot often when we would drop by for a visit.
Well that's about it for. I hope you enjoyed this peak into a past gone by.
So till next time.
Your known friend( Maybe)
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