How was your weekend? Mine was good. I hung out with my youngest daughter looking at wedding dresses. She is getting married next year. She did find one she likes but wants to check out a few more before she makes her final choose.
Here is the next letter from Kathryn. The envelope was post marked Mar 23 1922 but on the letter she has written February 22, 1922. The question is, did she write the month on the letter or did it take her that long to get it in the mail?
Being written in pencil it is very faded or it was written lightly to begin with. Here is what it says:
February 22, 1922
Dear Howard
Received your
welcome letter & was very glad
to hear from you. So Elmer is a
bad boy eh? Well you tell him
that I am quite surprised, So you
get moonshine out there. Well
you know there is "No place
like home."??? He is going
back to his "Moonshine girl"
because he loves her "Still". Har!
Har! Tell Elmer that I will
write to him but he should
not write such "mushy" letters
as I don't care about reading
that kind. I never see Theresa
that is we don't pal around
together any more, a slight
misunderstanding. Too bad we
drink ( but we don't). Some
people are so dumb they
think "South Bend (Ind) is an
exercise. Some" Jake" eh? How
is your mother, Tom & your Dad
oh & of course "yourself"? Give
them all my love. I had my
pictures taken Saturday but they
are not very good.Maybe I
will send you one. So you
don't associate with the wild
women in town well I
I don't blame you as I
think they are rather dis-
gusting. When is Elmer coming
out here? Why he would get
lost. He might think he is
wild down there but wait
until he gets here. Is that
a wolf you have in the
picture? have you many
shows & places to dance down
there? Is is cold up there, it's
nice & warm here. I like the
winter because there are more
dances. Send me some of
the pictures of the girls
& Elmer & you.
Will you?
I would love to see some
of them. Well I guess I'd
better close now & get to
work. You know I'm
a switchboard operator
& I'm rather busy.
Write real soon.
Your friend
Reading this letter it makes you wonder if she really liked Elmer. I wonder if they ever got a chance to really hang out.
As for the moonshine thing, well there is a good chance Grandpa did dabble in it, maybe.
This is just a picture I found on the internet not from anyone I know of.
She wanted pictures of girls that Grandpa and Elmer hung out with. I'm including one of the girls.
There should be letters from her later on, I think.
Now here are a couple of other random pictures I choose for you you to see.
I'm not sure who they are or even why they are all standing on the ladder.
This could be Grandpa out standing in his field.
I know corny joke. But she started it with her still joke and all of her silliness.
I guess it looks like her and Theresa's friendship might finally be over. To me they went in different directions as they got older. It happens. But it's history that I will never know what happened exactly. It has faded away forever.
Well I guess that's all I have time for now. I hope you enjoyed this brief look in to a fading history.
So till next time.
Your friend,
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