I hope you had a very enjoyable 4th of July weekend. I did, even though it was kind of rainy on Sunday.
Anyway here is the next letter from Theresa.
As always here is what is says:
Chicago Ill.
Dec 1-21
Dear Howard;
I don't remember
answering your letter but if
I did it won't hurt to write
again. it has been such a
long time since I have written
to anybody that I almost
forget how to start. Well I
hope you had a pleasant
Thanksgiving, I know I did.
We went up and had Chinese
Turkey in the evening.
We have several Chinese
Cafes and Caberets in Chic.
where we always go after a dance
or a party to have something to eat
and dance in-be-tween.
I don't think you know that
two of our boy friends met with a
terrible accident Friday evening
after being with Lucille and me
all evening. It was raining pretty
hard and a La Salle taxi Cab hit
them in the rear wheel and sent
one boy thro the windshield while
the other remained in the car.
I forgot to tell you they were in
a little Ford Coupe. One poor
fellow is disfigured for life and
the other has a fractured scull.
Both are getting along nicely.
I am going to have a boy friend
visit me from Baltimore Md. next
week sometime and will have to do
some speedy entertaining. I met
him when he was a sailor stationed
at Great Lakes Ill. He has been
discharged and is going to Ohio &
is going to drop off at
chic. for a while.
Well guess this will
be all for this time. Hoping
to hear from you soon.
As ever
I'm going to start with the accident first.
I bet that Theresa was glad that her and Lucille were not in the car when that happened. I looked up what the taxi cab looked like.
And what the Little Ford Coupe could have looked like.
Back then there were no seat belts that I know of. If only she would have said names of the boys.
Looking through the scrap book I found a picture of a really bad accident.
This was all that was left of Mike Travick's automobile after a fast passenger train struck it at
Haslett, Mich., a village near Lansing. Travick, his wife and three women passengers were killed.
This happened in I think 1936.
As for the Chinese turkey, I found this picture.
It looks like a turkey with rice inside.
This is a picture of a Chinese cafe in Chicago around the 1920's.
As for the boy friend from Baltimore Md. Maybe he looked something like this.
But I'll never know.
Oh well here are a few kind of related random pictures I chose for you to see.
The date on the side of this one is Sept 58.
It looks like Grandpa is the one on the right. I think my dad might know about this one.
Not sure who they are in the car but it looks to be about the right time.
This is three pictures. It looks like they were test pictures or something like that. I choose this one because of the military looking guy in the middle. I wonder if that is my great uncle Thomas?
Well that's about all I have for you this time.
So till next time.
As ever,
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