It's me again. I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was uneventful. The husband was baling hay most of the weekend. Anyway here is the next letter from Kathryn.
As always here is what it says.
Feb. 1, 1922
Chicago, Ill
Dear Howard:
I hope you are well
excuse this paper as it is
all I have at the present
time. I am at work just
now and have nothing
much to do so tho't I would
answer your most welcome
letter. Thank you very
much for the pictures
you sent me they are
very nice.
It is raining out
here just now so that
(that) makes it rather
miserable. How are all
the folks & also Elmer?
So he goes around with
all the wild women
in town. Tell him that
if he wants wild ones
to come out here. He sure
would wish he was
back home if he got
laughed up with the
real wild ones out here.
Do they drink & smoke?
If they don't they are
rather tame. Har! Har!
What do the wild women
out there do that makes you
think they are wild. How
could they get wild out
there? On root beer? Oh!
Green river, well that's
different. Ain't we got
tickle!! Why don't you &
Elmer drive in some
time in you cars? That
would be a pleasant
trip. Maybe I'll come
& see you some time. I
bet we would have fun.
Send me some pictures of
the girls out there, will
you? So your not married
yet, well that sure is
a shame. I think I
had better close now
as it is getting late.
Your friend
3510 Southport Ave
Chicago Illinois
After reading this letter it makes you wonder how wild they were in Chicago.
As for what they drank around here. My bet it was something like this.
and not
Just a guess. Here are a few pictures of fun from a time gone by.
On the back of this one it says: Three monkeys.
I wonder if she was about to surprise the guy sitting down?
This is Ruth & Lily Johnson. I'm not sure who they are but it's one of many pictures of girls from a time gone by.
Well that's about it for now. I hope the rest of your week is a good one.
Your friend,
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