It is now starting to feel a little bit more like fall. It's time to start wearing warmer coats when you go outside. The trees are becoming bare getting ready for winter. The question is, are you ready for the changes coming our way. Well, at least if you live in the kind of area like I do.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Wednesday 4 P:M.
Evanston, Ill.
Dearest Howard:-
Yours came today&
surely was pleased to
hear from you.
Speaking of rain, yes
we have plenty of it
here this week the sun
hasn't been out any
of the time.
So you have traded
your car in for a coupe
is that it? Well, what
kind of a Model - Ford?
have you seen the New
Fords that are out? I
think they are the cutest
cars, don't you? Now, I
don't believe you have
to be looking for a
chicken I bet you have
all kinds of them there
only if you wanted too
(Ha Ha) I know the boys
Oh well lets forget about
that and talk of some
thing different.
Last nite a girl friend of
mine & myself walked
to the lake. It was a
wonderful evening. Believe
me I was wishing you
were along. "Don't you
believe it."
Tonite we have a big
crowd coming in for
dinner usually Wednesday
& Sundays we have
the most people
to wait on. Oh well, I just
take things with a smile
wouldn't you. That's the
only way a person can
get along & be happy.
Anna & Frank N. are
leaving Saturday morning
by car. Have to go & see
them before they leave
but I always hate
to say good bye's don't
you? But she's coming
to see me out at home
so that will make it
Well Howard, I suppose
you will soon be
pitching hay, won't you?
I know what that is
and how I love it-
Seems I haven't anything
new to tell you. I know
we'll have plenty to talk
about when we see
each other if we don't
fight (Ha Ha)
Well Howard, hope I
hear from you again
and I will have to
close my conversation
till next time.
I remain your
P.S. come again
with your nice
It sounds like the weather at that time was just as rainy in Ill. as it was up north.
I think I've shown you a picture of Grandpa's car and if it is the same one, my dad has it in his garage. It needs a little work but as of right now, everything is still original on it.
I know I've shown you a couple of pictures of wagons piled high with hay.
As for chickens, my grandparents always had them. Grandma sold eggs also.
Here are two more cards from the "Scene's from New York" set:
The Custom House.
Bartholdi's Statue.
This is what I found on the Custom House on Wikipedia:
The Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House is a building in New York City built in 1902–07 by the federal government, to house the duty collection operations for the Port of New York. It is located at 1 Bowling Green, near the southern tip of Manhattan, roughly on the same spot as Fort Amsterdam, the original center of the settlement of New Amsterdam. The building is now the home of the George Gustav Heye Center of the National Museum of the American Indian, as well as the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York; since 2012, it is also the home to the National Archives at New York City.
It looks about the same today as it did back then.
As for what we know today as the Statue of Liberty, this is what I found a little bit about it's beginning.
It was unveiled in Oct 1886. So that would be about 130 years ago this month.
It was originally designed for the Suez Canal in Egypt. America was second choice by the designer.
It took American's 15 years to except it. Suffragettes protested the unveiling because women had no liberty to vote. Originally it was suppose to be a light house.
It has not changed much over the years.
Here is a random picture for you to look at.
I wonder if this is some the hay she was talking about.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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