I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was uneventful. The weather is starting to stay cooler around here. But that is normal for this time of year.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Nellie:
As always, for those that find it hard to read here is what it says:
June 26
Back again
Dear Howard:-
I just returned
home and got your nice
letter and before starting
any work I will answer
your letter so I won't
be keeping you waiting
any longer for my ans.
letter to reach you. What
kind of a coupe have
you got now, Howard?
No my mother is still
living and has two more
little girls so you see
it makes 3 boys & 3 girls
in our family now. My
little sisters are here
with me for a week,
and sure keep me
busy so I am afraid your
letter won't be very long
today. No my mother
doesn't live with me.
The difference between
a soldier and a woman
is that a soldier stands
up to be knocked down &
a woman lays down to
be "knocked up".
You were right when
you told me about the
water stopping at the foot
of the hill.
A hen lays an egg because
if she dropped it, it would
break. Ha, Ha. How's 'at?
No Hazel has left for good.
Well I can't seem to think
of any more news for
So will ring off.
some nice big x to
sleep on. Ha, Ha.
At least your finally have the answers for riddles she told last time.
It sounds like she came from a good size family. I wonder how old the rest of her siblings were?
It's to bad that Hazel moved away for good. I wonder where she ended up?
Here are two viewer cards from a new set I'm calling "Panama 1906":
1. Docks at Cristobal, Panama.
2. Ancon From Roof of Administration Building, Panama.
This set of cards, I think was taken around 1906 when they were working on the Panama Canal..
Here is a newer picture of the dock at Cristobal:
I was trying to find an updated picture of the Administration Building. I found this one. It does not look like the same place.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
I don't know exactly who she was. It was taken in 1928.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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