It's hard to believe that another week has gone by. My week was uneventful. Which is just fine with me.
Anyway here is a letter from a new girl. Her name is Mabel Elmblade. She also included a picture.
AS always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
La Grange, June 17, 1928
Dear Howard,
I received your most
welcome letter
You sure have a
memory. I was
just playing the
piano- I'm home
all alone today. We
have rainy weather
My Bro. went out
fishing. he loves to
fish. and mother
is in by my cousin
I'm so lonesome
today as they're all
out. So you want
2. send me
your picture.
a picture, well alright
come on down here
some time. I am
going to try and come
out there this summer
and see you. I'm
Swedish also. You've
got a pretty name
when you write
write to me at this
address_ Well Bye
Miss Mabel Elmblade
319 M. Hillgrove
It sounds like she was lonesome just like Grandpa was always telling the other girls.
She is Swedish.
It makes me giggle a little when she says he has a pretty name.What do you think. Is Howard a pretty name?
There are other letters coming up from her.
She looks like she was a very nice girl.
I wonder what kind of thing he said that she said he had a good memory?
Here are two more viewer cards from the "Scene's from New York" set:
Famous Battery Park with some of New York's Tall Building.
Tomb of General Grant.
Here is a picture of Battery Park today:
It kind of looks like the same place to me.
Here is General Grant Tomb today:
To me it looks better with trees around it.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
This is Mrs. Garrow, Ruthie & Ed Garrow.
I do not know who they are or why this picture was torn this way.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a safe weekend and people in Florida, I hope you also stay safe.
Don't forget to drop by again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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