I hope this post finds you all well. If you live out East, I hope you are safe and that the hurricane did not do to much damage at you place. I know a number people are very devastated by the damage and loss of life. The power of nature is something we can not fight.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Sigrid:
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Mt. Iron, Minn
June 18, 1928
Dear Howard,
Again I've neglected ans-
wering your letter, but
you see my sister came
over and I couldn't
find any such time
so I could be alone, you
see no one but we
know of this corres-
pondence, unless you've
told your friends etc.
But this morning I happened
to get up early & as she's
still sleeping I tho't
I'll write a little, to
let you know I'm still
alive at least.
I'm so disgusted with
this part of the world
now. It's always rain-
ing, not a blessed
nice day or evening
now that it started.
How are your crops
coming up? Our pot-
otoes were up nice &
then "Jack Frost" nipped
them. I didn't plant
much of anything this
year, probably too lazy.
I was to the country
some 31 miles from here,
yesterday. They had some
church doings & meetings
there but I just bummed
around & saw some
of my old friends there.
Do you believe that
13th days are unlucky?
I never did put much
thought to it, but last
week it happened that
a car tipped right
over, by out house. No-
body got hurt, because
they were going so slow
but there's a pretty sharp
curve so it just happened
& they were our neighbors
Have you done any-
thing to the house now?
I guess you don't get much
time in summer to
carpenter. I think that
any kind of trees around
it would be nice,
without waiting for a
wife to tell. Get some
that grow easy and
quick. We haven't
hardly any trees in
the yard, but it
certainly isn't my
This must be getting
rather monotonous al-
ready, so I'll quietly
slip out. No extra special
news now anyway.
You write soon
anyway if you possibly
have time. I wish
I could hear your
records oh boy! I bet
I'd be always winding
at that "funny-graph".
as Ever
It sounds like it was a rainy time around where she lived. It kind of sounds like the kind of weather we have had around here this year.
I wonder what kind of a car the neighbor had that it tipped over going around a curve at a very slow speed. That's what happens when you go around a curve on the 13th.
It kind of sounds like Grandpa was planting some trees around the house.
She sounds a little down to me. I wonder if she ever told her sister about writing to Grandpa or if it remained a secret.
I wonder which record was Grandpa's favorite at the time.
Here are two more viewer cards from the "Scene's from New York" set:
East River Bridge.
Steam Yachts and Ferry Boats, New York Harbor.
Since I have never been to New York I can only show you a picture a found on the internet that might show a similar thing or area.
Here is the what I think is the same bridge:
A different angle, but I think the same.
I couldn't find the right kind of an angle, so I guess this must do.
Here is a random picture fro you to look at:
The reason I picked this picture is because of her story about the car that tipped over. This truck did something like that too. I remember my dad telling about what happened but right now I can't remember the details.
Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good week and come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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