The weekend is finally here again, sort of. I do have to work on Saturday but I did volunteer. So if I get crabby, I have no one to blame but me.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Sigrid. The writing is very light so it's on the hard side to read. I did try to darken it so you could read it better then I can.
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:
Mt. Iron, Minn.
July 2, 1928
Dear Howard,
July 2, already imagine
and fourth Of July this
week too. But I
don't think we will
have much of a cele-
bration here. I'm going
to Virginia, the nei-
boring town, there
always are great big
doings there. I'm so
glad they aren't selling
those crazy firecrackers
and all those shooting
things. it makes a
person nervous to
listen to them for
many days ahead &
then all day on Fourth.
We had an awful
storm last night I
heard. I slept like
a log I didn't know
anything about it.
I guess they could
carry me to Europe
and I wouldn't wake
up when I once start
sleeping. But still the
air didn't cool off.
It's so hot now I
just wish I could go
Are you starting to
make hay soon I
just dread that time.
The latter part of this
week we will cut
down some places be-
cause it's all fallen
over when it's rained
so hard. We haven't
so very much but it's
always such a slow
process with one horse
only & so few people.
My brother might come
here and help now
that grandpa isn't able.
Gosh, I sure wish
you were around
here with your
coupe so I'd get a
ride sometimes too.
I bet your always
out with some nice
looking girl now, hey?
I saw Harold Loyd's
comedy "Speedy" last
Saturday. I sure laughed
to my hearts content
then. I think he's so
funny and clever.
I'm all alone again,
my sister went to
Deer River to work in
a bakery. Heck of a place
to work in at summer.
Must close now.
Hope you have a
good time with her
on Fourth.
So Long
It sounds like she was not a big fan of fireworks of any kind. It does sound like a number of people liked to set them off over a number of days and not just on the Fourth. But at least she was a sound sleeper.
Grandpa must have been telling all of the girls about his new car. How many got to ride in it before he finally met Grandma?
I have seen a number of Harold Lloyd's pictures. He was, as she says, very cleaver and funny.

This was his last silent film.
In this film he is trying to save the last horse drawn street car in New York. Babe Ruth is one of the hapless passengers.
I'm not sure if I have ever seen this one but I plan on trying to find it.
Here are the next two cards from the "Panama 1906" set:
3. Looking Across Savannahs, Ancon in Distance.
4. Last End, From Roof of Administration Building, Cristobal.
Ancon is mentioned in a number of the cards. I looked it up and it turns out it's a hill that is about 654 feet high near Panama City.
Cristobal is a port city on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal.
I have found on the internet these same pictures in color.
Here is a random picture for you to look at:
I think this one was taken during someones trip to maybe Yellowstone. Back when you could feed the bears from your car.Back when we didn't know any better not to.
Well that's about all I have to share with you today. Enjoy your weekend.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,
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