Monday, January 21, 2019

Riverside Literature Series: copyright August 13, 1890

Dear Friends,
I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I'm still thinking about what I should show now that the letter are done.
This post I've decided to show you an old school book copyright 1890.
As you can see it's a book of Fables and Folk stories.
It has some of the known fables but they are a little different then what I remember.
I'm thinking of sharing some of the stories from time to time.
I'll start with some of the smaller ones that I will copy down as they are written. And maybe eventually I will show the longer ones.
But first I will share the preface:

Here is one of the short stories:

The Wind and The Sun

The Wind and the Sun had a dispute as to
which of the two was the stronger; they agreed
that the one should be called stronger who
should first make a man in the road take off
his cloak.
The Wind began to blow great guns, but the
man only drew his cloak closer about him to
keep out the cold. At last the gust was over.
  Then the Sun took his turn. He shone, and
it was warm and bright. The man opened his
cloak, threw it back, and at last took it off, and
lay down in the shade where it was cool.
So the sun carried his point against the Wind.
This fable teaches that it is often easier to
persuade men than it is to force them.

Just one of the short fables. What do you think?
Do you agree with the conclusion?

I am working on the story about Joel Oscar. I plan on posting that one on Feb.12th.
Something to look forward to.
Well, till next time.
Your friend,