Friday, March 30, 2018

Ann: June 6, 1933; Gary Ind.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine included, the husband having surgery, which went very well. The weather could have been a little warmer. Spring is trying to spring but winter still has a grip on things around here. If I could I would tell Winter "Just let it go, Please. You come back the middle of November". But I don't think it wants to listen, yet.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ann:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                             Gary Ind.
Dear Howard;
                I got your most welcome letter
was very glad to hear from you how are you?
I hope fine, I'm very sorry I couldn't write
sooner, I was working house work and they
Lady I took care of was sick she didn't eat
much and 2 weeks ago she died, as I felt bad
because I work 4 months there and was so
used to her anyway, you know I could be
busy not going home, but once and week,
and being with her, I didn't have much time
tell me what are you doing now there
have you been out enjoying yourself much?
Are you going yo the Worlds Fair, this June
or September? I wish you would, I know
I'll be there, I'm near it and won't miss it.
have you missed me much? I wonder, I wish I
were there, I haven't a chance to get there
no how. I wish i could find a way there.
have you heard from Helen Westberg or
Wm. She hasn't answered my last letter
when you see her tell her to answer
my letter, Gee I have been to a few
dances and movies lately but I'd much
rather be out in Wisconsin having

fun, tell me all about yourself what sort
of a fellow are you? and what sort of a
girl can you like or fall in love with
must she be good looking or just plain
clean and wise or inocent and domb?
if you were ever married how would you
treat you wife? how would you want
her to be? Please write me a whole
lot about yourself and about the girl
you would marry some day I love to
get interesting long letters to read so
you know my weakness, I'll be writing
more often after this I'm not working
just staying home and Howard Please
send me a picture of yourself and of
your friends girls and boys both I love
to have my book full of snaps and all
kinds of pictures I'm sending a few small
pictures of my cousin, here she is with a girl
friend she's on the left and alone on the next
one here's one of my alone, answer soon
                 Your Pal forever
               all the luck in the world

Here are the pictures that were with this letter:

The top one is of her.
But I'm not sure if this was the right picture of her cousin because there is only one girl in the picture.

It looks like she was able to have a job for awhile since the last letter. To bad it didn't last longer.
I'm not sure if Grandpa went to this Worlds Fair or not. I did have some things from a Worlds Fair but I'm not sure if it was the same one.
I do wonder how Grandpa answered her questions about what he was looking for in a wife. Now that is one letter I would have loved to have read.
I did leave some of the miss spelling in just because of how wrote some of the words. Like "innocent and dumb" being misspelled.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Though old Mrs. Swanny,
Who lives in the Shoe,
Has babies galore--
She knows just what to do!

She bathes 'em with Swan,
From their heads to their heels,
The soap that is purer
Than finest castiles!

Now we know the name or the old lady in the shoe, finally!

Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

I bet that's one little boy that will never what a bee again.

Since there were a couple of pictures included with the letter I decided not to pick a random picture.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a very enjoyable Easter weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ann: Mar. 25, 1933; Gary Ind.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine, I worked on Sat., then visited our granddaughter for a while. Sunday we went grocery shopping but spent the rest of it chilling at home. Now this week is going to be a challenging one. The husband is having his surgery so my week will not be a very calm one. I'll keep you posted on how every thing goes later.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Ann. The post mark says March but the letter itself says Jan. So I don't know if it was put in the wrong envelope or if she wrote the wrong date.

As always, for those of you that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                         Jan,   1933
                         Gary, Ind.
Dear Howard;
      I received your most welcome
letter and was glad to hear from you. How are
you? and everything? I'm alright but I worry
a little because I'm not working yet, anyway I
wouldn't mind being out there, when you work
you, work for yourself, and hear you got to work
for someone elese else, to make a living. and
to tell you the truth, your better off, out there
well Howard I hope your enjoying life and
having all the fun, you really can have.
I think some thing will happen to me
I've been having strange dreams lately,
such as having a lion chase me or seeing
snakes crawl, I wonder what they mean
I don't think its good, to dream of such.
anyway to get back to my writing, your
going to a lot of parties and swell places,
I wish I were you? I'm staying home
mostly, my sister is working out of town
and comes home once in two weeks and
then goes right back so, I haven't got time
to go to a party or dance. because I hate
to go myself, there are boys but most of
them don't know how to treat a girl so,

my mother & Dad won't allow me to
go out much. ain't that awful? and
now that my sister has found the
right man she's doesn't think much
about me, she goes to dances with
him, he has a car, and I stay home
go to bed early, some day it will be
different things will change, I hope so
Gee I wish I could be my own
boss, like you! do as you please
go where you like, that's swell
Please Howard send me a picture
or more I'll send some of mine
but you'll haven't send some first
now I'll close. wishing this letter
find you well and happy
To the kind little boy I know
                     Yours forever
P.S. answer soon and don't forget about
the pictures all with kindness love to
all that are good to me    "Ann"

She sounds sad. She wants to be free. She feels trapped. I do hope she was able to find a way out of her kind of depression. At least that's what it sounds like to me. Her dreams tell me she feels very afraid of the direction her life was going in. That and the fact her sister found her man. I do hope she was able to get out there and find her forever after.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

June 1943
5 cents

This little boy kind of looks like my dad. I wonder if that's why it was kept.

Here is a joke for the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

I wonder what she wanted from him.

Finally a random picture:

(written on the back)
Kenneth & Jim Beaumont
marching back to be
    May 1960

Kenneth, is who I always call, Uncle Kenny.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, March 23, 2018

Gladys: March 16, 1933; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well it's the end of another week. How did it go for you? Mine was the same old, same old. I do have to work tomorrow but I am off next week because the husband is finally going to have surgery on his foot. So I guess you can say next week will be a kind of roller coaster for me. Don't forget Easter is next weekend too. Things are a changin'.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Gladys:

It looks like there are more pages but the paper was to long to scan at once on a couple of them so I had to split them up.
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                    Mar 16-33
Dear Howard:-
Thanks for your letter also
the Valentine if I have forgotten
to do so before. My! My! how
flattered I am to hear that you
have been thinking of me every
day. How could you do that
when you were buying a horse?
If you thought of me when
you bought the horse, Well!
What kind of a horse was it?
Laying all jokes aside I
will try to give you a little
news and answer your letter
I was delighted to hear all news

about clippings you sent me.
Gee! I don't know if I'll get
home this summer or not Maybe
some week end only because
can't afford to loose my pay
while I have it, have not had
any cut yet, but for a week
end I would not be docked.
I am interested in the glee
Club play, of course I'm sorry
you are not in it.
Say I sent a book home
that you can borrow to read
It's one of Willa Cathers, called
"The Song of the Lark". I am
sure you'll enjoy it.
Yes I did hear about you
& Edw raising chicks all I
can do is wish you a
heap of luck and you know
I really do think we've started
on the up road at last.
While out driving today it
seemed to me that people
looked happier, I am so
tired of seeing such care-
warn sad faces all over
as I have seen for the last
6 months, of course I do
think our president has
come forward & done the
main thing that was
necessary to lead us on
to better times. Now at least
we have the government
behind such banks as have

been reopened. Of course
the government was thought
& supposed to have always
been behind such banks &
all the time gangs & politicians
seem to have replaced the
government; so of course
things could not help but
weaken under crooked
management & all else that
has taken place. I think
lots of things these days.
& I know a few also for
instance In This Mornings
Tribune I read that some
one had put a plea (to
our government) at Washington
for a $250,000 memorial

monument to be erected in
memory of our departed mayor.
I think it's really horrible to
even whisper such a thing
in these times and in the
condition our city is in, for
instance, all the hunger &
suffering amongst  the living
Oh! I'm very angry at many
things these days.
Tomorrow evening Aunt
Hildegard & I are going to
hear a quartet at Messiah
Lutheran Church.
How did you ever remember
Dad's birthday. Gee! I wish
I could have spent it with

him, but as it is. I must
"Work for the night is
Coming" by that I mean
old age & I hope I can work
enough while I'm able so as
not to be too dependent later.
Our patient is gaining again
the Dr. was very pleased with
her condition this morning
Miss Gustafson is having
her wedding dress made
now & it will soon be June
& they will be married very
soon after ordination. Her
minister got a call from
one of the largest Lutheran
Churches in Duluth Minn.
So after a wedding trip to
his home in California there
is where they will be.
Well I really haven't any
news Howard. Every thing goes
on here in the same old
way day in & day out.
Next Monday I go on 2 wks
night duty again.
Do write me soon
again & greet Thomas &
all my friends. I hope
you notice the all "Ha Ha"
guess I have very few up there
but friends who don't believe

in you are not worth
having- That's the way I
feel. When I have a friend
no one can turn me
against anyone just from
what I hear. I must really see
& know for myself.
Well so long & do
write me soon again
& give me all the news.
             as ever Gladys

Wow! Now that was a letter. Boy did she nail the problems of the government on the head. Gangs and bad politicians. It's still happening today. I agree with her about them spending money on a monument when so many people were going hungry.
It does sound a little like people were starting to feel better but I think they had a long way to go at that point.
I hope the other nurse had a very nice wedding. I wonder how long they lived in Duluth.
I wonder if Grandpa was able to read the book she suggested.
I do like her idea of true friendship.I believe what she believes.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Shirley Temple, curly topped screen starlet, is seen above
dressed in a cowgirl's costume, riding a trick pony at Palm
Springs, Calif., where she is spending a brief vacation between
pictures.                       (Wide World Photo)

I think I've seen this picture before.

Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs". 1956:
Now this can be taken in a couple of different ways. Which one are you thinking about?

Finally, here is a random picture:

The Johnson children from a time gone by.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Edna: March 8, 1933 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. it is finally getting warmer and the snow is finally melting. Birds that fly south for the winter are being seen. We have seen Red Wing Black birds, Robin and the husband has seen a couple of Cranes. I'm really starting to get Spring fever. I look forward to being able to do something outside, once the mud drys up, after the snow is gone.
Anyway, it has been awhile since there has been a letter from her, but here is the next letter from Edna:

Since this one is typed, I will not repeat it.

It does sound like she has been very busy. It's good to hear that she was able to work at that time since it was the depression and many were not. Maybe working for a magazine publisher was a very good thing at that time.
She mentioned that she was to go for a sleigh ride but the sleigh never showed up so 17 girls all piled into a Lasalle. Now that is a lot bodies. I have looked up what a Lasalle looked like in 1933.

 Image result for Lasalle car 1933
Maybe it looked like this. Notice the trunk on the back. That is where Edna and another girl rode. They must have been a sight to see.
As for Grandpa getting married, I don't think he was seeing Grandma yet. But I don't have her letters so I'm not sure exactly when they met.
Spring sounded like it had sprung around there. I'm not sure I'd say crows sing wonderfully.A nightingale might be a different story.
It's to bad the play they were going to put on fell through. I wonder if they planned another one for the summer?
It sounds like she was still hanging out with Gladys Holm's.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Trinidad Del Rio, 22, is pointing out the object to be shot
while her sister Delores, 17, and her brother Paul, 12, look into
the camera in The Journal photo studio. Paul is also shown
standing at William Westman's knee. The combined weight of
the sisters and brother is 53 pounds.    (Journal Staff Photo)

I wonder why they were hanging out at the Journal. They do look familiar. I wonder if they were by any chance in The Wizard of OZ.

Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

So that's what happens when you scare  newspapermen.

Finally, a random picture:

Not sure who they are or when it was taken. But the photographer was Glander from Manitowoc, Wis.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good week.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, March 16, 2018

Gladys: Feb. 16, 1933 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine was uneventful. The husband was home Monday thru Wednesday because for now his hours are different. He will be working Thursday thru Saturday. 12 hour shifts. So My weekends will be a little different. Sundays will be the only day both of us will be home at the same time, the whole day. I'm still hoping it will go back to normal very soon.
Anyway, here is a letter from Gladys:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                Chicago Ill
                Feb 15-33
Dear Howard:-
   Received the nice card
& thanks much. also your
newsy letter. I did not rea-
lize I had not written you
for such a long time
in fact I forgot it was
my turn and have
been walking around
here sort of waiting for
one from you until
Edw. told me a few
days ago. I don't know
how time can pass so
quickly but thats because
my days are busy ones
I have been on day duty
for 2 weeks now again
and realy when my 12
hours are up I'm dead
& go to bed only to get up.

& start all over again the
next morning early and
on my last 2 weeks of night
duty I slept 1/2 day each day and the
other half I did go visiting
I have some friends whom
I've not seen in almost 2
years. Not since I've been
on this case and I made
up my mind I'd start the
new year right and keep
my promises to visit them
So Monday I lunched with
2 of them & thru Tuesday I
stayed home & sewed & on
Wed. (you remember Astrid)
a whole bunch of us visited
a friend of ours who is married
We had such a nice P.M.
Then Friday I spent with
my Aunt Hildegard & the
week before that I did
go to Aunt Selma's one
day & so it goes. Now
Monday I start night
duty again and guess

I'll go to a couple of good
plays (if I can get Matinee
tickets) that are running
here now and then
I must shoppe. Which
I have not done since
before Xmas. Uniforms
& new white shoes etc.
you know how it is
or maybe you don't.
Well any way that is the
way my time goes. I
had dinner with
Gladys Holm a week
ago. Sunday such a
nice time as other
Chicago relives came
over and Clifford also.
Talk to G over phone
today. She said to greet
you & Tom when I'd write
Say I'm dreadfully excit-
ed about your play. When
do you intend to produce
it? Say I'd like to see it

I think its a great Idea
you boys getting together
& give some amusement
when there is nothing
else to do. Maybe it
will be such a hit you'll
all land in Hollywood
before you know it.
Whoever said I sent
you a Valentine Eh?
Thanks for the clipping
I am glad for them both
do tell me if you hear
more & write me
soon & give me all
the news.
       Greetings to Tom
        as ever Gladys

A lot talk about her working hours. I do wonder how long she worked for this person.
At least she had been able to go visiting.
I wonder what shows, if any , she was able to see.
I do wonder what kind of play Grandpa was involved with. At least now I know acting does run in the family. Or I should say, Now I know where I get it from.

Here is a clipping form the scrap book:

Somethings never change.

Now a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

It kind of goes with the one from the scrap book. What do you think?

Finally, a random picture:

Developed June 1964
Not sure who they are. I'm sure someone will me who they are, eventually.

Well that's all I have to share with you today. Enjoy your weekend.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ralph W Fry: Jan. 11, 1933 Easton Pa.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was just short. It could have been better but I hope the week will be better.
Anyway, I have two things to show you. The first this is a reply to a request from Howard for some parts:
here is the letter and the possible parts he might have been looking for:

I can just about imagine how much those parts would cost today.

Now I have a thank you card for sympathy:

Not sure who died. But their last name might have been Olson.

Now here is a picture from the scrap book:

Some tall fishing tales were being related as this pic-
ture of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Gov. Dave Scholtz
of Florida was made Wednesday at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The
president had just arrived from his vacation in Bahama waters.
he left for Warm Springs, Ga., almost immediately, arriving there
Thursday. He will return to Washington Friday, stopping at
Gainesville, Ga., Thursday night to aid in mapping plans to help
victims of disastrous tornado which swept the city earlier
this week.

Not sure what year this was. I don't think this second scrap book was done the same year as the last one.

Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

That's what happens when you stay out so late that you come home when someone is making breakfast.

Finally , here is a random picture:

Someone named Ronnie. Class of '56'.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good week.
Don't forget to drop by again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, March 9, 2018

Christmas Cards, 1932

Dear Friends,
Well I hope you had a very week. Mine was uneventful. I do have to work on Saturday. That does not make me very happy. I just hope it will start easing up soon. I feel so much better when I can get two days off in a row. I know I sound like a whiner.
Anyway, I decided to show you 8 Christmas cards from 1932. I hope you enjoy them:

 (written on the back)  Merry Xmas to you Gladys  Post mark Dec. 24, 1932 Chicago, Ill
 Post mark: Dec. 21, 1932 Ogema, Wis
 Post mark Dec. 21, 1932 Chicago, Ill.
 Post mar: Dec. 22, 1932 Ogema, Wis.
 Post mark: Dec. 22, 1932 Chicago, Ill
 Post mark: Dec. 21, 1932 Saint Paul Minn.
 Post mark: Dec. 22, 1932 Ogema, Wis.
(written on the back) From Helen Balusik, Post mark: Dec. 20, 1932 Evanston, Ill.

I hope you will enjoy all of these cards. They are all like postcards but all were all in envelopes.

Well, I think that is all I'm going to share with you today.
I know I should share more but I am running low on scrap book pictures and jokes.
I promise the next one will have both of those plus a letter.
I'm also looking for other things to share.
You just have to keep dropping in from time to time. You never know what could show up that is Fading History.
So till next time.
Your friend,

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Estella Oros: Dec. 23 1932; Ann Dec. 27, 1932 Gary Ind.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was short but it was drama free. The weather is not exactly what I like. More snow. Maybe I just have to throw my hands up and just say Uncle.
Anyway, here are two Christmas cards and a letter from Estella and Ann from Gary Ind.:

I very nice Christmas card. I wish they were still used today but they aren't.

Now from Ann:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                     Dec.    1932
                     Gary Ind.
Dear Howard:
      I'm sorry I haven't answered
your letter the way I should have, but any way
as long as you will write, to me I will to
when you stop, well of course I must then
also, untill then I will always write soon
or late.
By the way where are you going to spend
your Xmas this year? I'm just sitting at
home, most of the times. Now talk about
getting Xmas presents, I don't think I'll get
any, will you? You know since I ain't
been working I can't have money to spend,
like I use to, so thats why I stay at
home most. where do you keep yourself?
don't you go much around? I bet you have
the swellest times all over there. Estel told
me you had written to her and that you
wanted to know why I didn't write soon,
you know how it is I plan to write and
then something else comes up but anyway
I'll not stop till you do

she said maybe because you write to her
that I get sore, oh no I don't get
sore or jealous of anybody, I love to
have you write to her and me also,
well Howard I don't really know what
to do anymore staying at home not
working can't have any nice clothes
like some girls have or any spending
money, what would you do in my case
Howard? Write me a lot to comfort
me, maybe it will make me happy
don't forget to send me a XMAS card
for Christmas I'm sending you one
write me a lot Please send me a
few pictures of you and your friends
and and give me some more addresses
of your boy friend so I could write
to them, I love to write to strangers
and they should send their pictures I'll
send mine also it will make me
feel better I get a kick out of it
now I'll close
(Written along the side)
To the most Wonderful boy I know
Estel say hello Your True Friend Ann.

This is the Xmas card she included:

Another very nice Christmas card.

Well, Ann's letter makes her sound very lonely. I hope she was able to find a job and get some money for the things she needed. I also hope she was able to find some very nice to her and wrote to her often.
The 1930's was not an easy time for many.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mullins are
shown here after they were mar-
ried recently by a Springfield
(Mo.) justice or the peace. Mullins
is 7 feet 9 inches tall and Mrs.
Mullins is 5 feet 3 inches. Mullins
weighs 287 pounds and is from At-
lanta, Ga., Mrs. Mullins from Chi-
cago, is the former Anita Sbertoli.
Both are dancers in vaudeville.

Now I know what I would look like next to someone that is 7 feet 9 inches tall. I'm 5 feet 2 1/2 inches tall. They look very happy.

Now here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs" 1956:

Darn, no cat swinging. What I bummer.

Finally a random picture:

No idea where this was taken but it says it was developed June 1964.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,