Friday, June 30, 2017

Eluira La Lince: July 20, 1929 Minneapolis, Minn.

Dear Friends,
Well it's the end of the week. I hope you had a good week. I did. I was on vacation all week. Plus my birthday was yesterday. The husband and I went hiking. We hiked 9.33 miles. I learned it was also Mud Day and what better way to enjoy it then to go trucking on a muddy trail. It was a good day. we might be going hiking again this weekend, maybe. Weather and field work permitting.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Eluira:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                     Minneapolis Minn.
                    July 29, 1929
Friend Johnson,
   Please excuse this paper, but
it's the only thing we have around
here. Should have answered your
letter long ago but they have been
working me twelve hours a day.
So I am too tired to write after I get
I rec'd the pictures. Thanks for
some. I am sending you a picture
of my sister Elleve and myself.
Gee it's been Raining all day
again. Hope it quits for I want
to drive home tonite and see
my little boy. You didn't know
I have been married and have a
three year old boy. I usually go
home over the week end, for my

mother is taking care of him for
me while I'm working.
I left my husband almost two
years ago. You asked about me
so now you know, oh no you
don't know how tall I am. I'm
five feet and one inch weigh
one hundred and eighteen pounds
gee I must close the boss is coming
in. Will mail this when
I get thru work-
           I remain as ever
            Euire La Lime
excuse paper please.

I'm still not sure how her last name is spelled. So I hope you will excuse my confusion.
Well, she has a three year old little boy. I wonder what grandpa thought about that when he read it.
What would you think?
I wonder why she left her husband.
I wonder what her job was to be working 12 hour days?
She sounds like she is about the same size as me.
I wonder if there was a picture included or if she plans on sending it in a future letter.
I wonder how much rain they were getting around that time.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

To the rescue! The U.S. Coast
Guard Cutter Escanaba, with its tur-
bines strained under the terrific
resistance of the hard packed ice,
breaks its way a few inches at a
time, to free the City of Saginaw
from the clutches of the ice field so
that it could make port at Ludington.

I wonder how long they were able to use this cutter before it was finally replaced.

Here is a page from the joke book:

I wonder if she loved him or not?

Here is a random picture:

Since it is suppose to be haying time, I thought I would show you a harvest from the past.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Walter Walin: July 19, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. I hung out with my new granddaughter on Saturday. She sleeps a lot. But she is a new born. Hopefully in a few weeks she be more aware of more things around her.
On Sunday the husband and I went hiking.. It was on the cool side around here but that was good. Not so many bugs. We had three kinds of protection against bugs. Lots of bug spray, bounce dryer sheets and a pouch of peppermint leaves. The next hike we take will be a better test to this kind of protection. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Walter:

Since it is a typed letter I will not repeat it. So enjoy.
I wonder who Gen was and how long Grandpa was with her.
Did Olive look up Walter? I hope not. He is beginning to sound like a real hound dog.

Here are the pictures he included with the letter:

 I think Grandpa is hiding in the back but I'm not sure. Thomas might be the one on the left.
 If that is Grandpa he is hidden better and Thomas is gone.
 Not sure who this is.
 I know Grandpa is on the right. I wonder if the other one is Walter.
 No idea who this is.
 Again not sure who they are.
I'm not sure which town this is. It could be Ogema.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Despite the great odds
against it, the Pere Mar-
quette car ferry, as well as
sister ships and similar ves-
sels of other lake lines
have carried on during the
worst winter in the history
of the lake. Hundreds of
tons of water were taken
on board by the City of
Saginaw in an effort to
weight her down so that it
could plow its own way
through the ice mountains.
At the right is shown mem-
bers of the crew with pike
poles chipping ice away
from the sides of the ves-
sel so that a better view of
the ice as it packed against
the sides of the ship could
be obtained. While the
crew bent to its task the
passengers, comfortable in
their quarters, spent the
hours tramping the decks.

I wonder if this year was the worst in history or if it has happened again after that.
How would you like a job like that, chopping off the side of the ship by hand?

Here is a page from the joke book:


Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope the rest of your week will be a good one.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, June 23, 2017

Genevieve: July 16, 1929 Westboro, Wis.

Dear Friends,
Well it's the end of another week. Another wet one. All this rain is making it so hard for farmers to get their crops in. I just hope that soon it will ease up. Besides I'm on vacation this next week. Not sure what we will be during the week but at least I will not have to work. Yeah!
Anyway, here is a letter from Genevieve. This is the first one from her. But reading it, it sounds like she has written others. For some reason Grandpa did not save them or they got lost.

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what is says:

                Ge Whiz
               Jew-lie's 61st
Dearest Howard----
At'a boy just send
a litter more news. I'm
ever so sorry if all of
it was not in last
week, but the night I
wrote it Ray came and
we went up to Bert's so I
was in an awfull hurry.
Listen kid, can you
be up to Bert's Tu Wednesday
evening at about 7 or 7:30
because I have to go to
Rib Lake and I may come
up there alone if I'm
not there at 7:30 then
You'll know I went to
Rib Lake first, and
then I'll be up at about
9: or 9:30 P.M. but be

sure to be there from
7- 9:30 came out as soon
as a car stops cause
I want come in there
Did you have a lot
of fun entertaining my
brother Sunday! Guess
I'll come along next.
  But am I Welcome!
ha! ha!
What makes you
think Ray is mad
I'll tell you the truth
he said be dose not
like Walter and of course
as long as Walt was
with you he would
not stop. I don't know
why  but he just says
he don't care for him
Yesterday a guy came

from Prentice his name
was Balng and he
wanted me to clerk
in the restaurant and
Hotel for him, you
should see the offer
he made me, I felt
like hitting him, will
tell you the rest when
I see you. haven't any
more time so must
saw Bert yesterday ha ha
Gee but its tough
to be lonesome and
blue miles and miles
away from you.
Please write a long
letter soon.
          Love & kisses

She sounds like a kind an interesting person. Like for the date. She had a very interesting way of writing it.
I do wonder how often they got together.
There is a possibility that her letters might be mixed up in a wrong order. Just to warn you.
I wonder what Walter had done to make her brother not want to be around him?
I wonder how long he hung out with Grandpa?
I also wonder what the guy offered to her that she felt so insulted.
I think they hung out at Bert's a lot.
I'm looking forward to to see what else she will write in the future.

Here are a coupleof scrap book picture:

The city of Saginaw comes through! Crashing some of the worst ice packs in the history of lake navigation, the Pere Marquette line car ferry No. 31, shown at the upper left as it arrived back in Milwaukee, had to break its way through ice fields 24 feet high, some 20 miles off Ludington, Mich., as shown in the photo at the upper right. On the return trip the passengers witnessed,for the first time in history, solid ice from the Michigan to the Wisconsin shore.

I think these two picture belong together.
Now that is one icy looking ship.
I wonder if that kind of ice has happened since then.

Here is the next page from the joke book:

Enjoy. Some  are kind of corny, others kind of make you want to scratch your head or make you roll your eyes.

And here is a random picture:

Not sure who these guys are but I think they were up to no good. Notice the bottles and jug they are holding.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a very good and safe weekend.
Don't forget to drop by real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Eluira La Lince: July 9, 1929 Minneapolis, Minn.

Dear Friends,
Well it's another week. I hope everyone had a good weekend. It was a half and half kind of one around here. Saturday was a nice one, for most of the day. Sunday was a hit and miss kind of rainy day. I really think we have had enough rain for awhile. But it's suppose to be a rainy kind of week. With all this rain it will take me a long time to get back to hiking again.
Oh well, you can't fight Mother Nature. She's going to do what she's going to do.

Anyway, here is a letter from a new girl. I think I've spelled her name right but I'm not 100% certain.
Her name is Eluira La Lince, I think:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                   Minneapolis Minn.
                   July 9, 1929
Friend Johnson,
Brother John just came
back this morning and gave
me your address so that I
would drop a line and find
out how the world is treating
The world is treating me fine
now adays- I am working
nights- go to work at six in
the evening and work till
What do you do to pass
your time?

Heard things have changed
quite a bit since we left
I cannot Remember what
you look like- if you
have a picture of yourself
would you send me one?
I took pictures last Sunday
with my kid sister, if they
turn out alright will send
you one- If I get an answer
to this.
         Eluira La Lince
            1522 Nicollet
               Eluire Matida

Well, like I said I'm not sure if I've spelled her name right.
It sounds like she use to live in Ogema and now lived in Minneapolis.
I wonder if she was married that her last name is different.
I hope there is a picture included. But maybe I've already shown one. I'd have to look through the ones I've already shown you.

Here is a scrap book picture:

"And you won't have to dig us out of any snowdrifts." That was the parting shot of Concor-
dia college students Saturday when they started out in six automobiles to distribute posters
advertising their glee club concert Feb. 23. They went prepared to do their own digging.

I wonder how many drifts they had to shovel that day? Now that is determination.
I would like to say, "The show must go on! And no snow storm will stop it from happening!"

Here is a page from the joke book:


Finally here is a random picture:

Not for sure who they are or when it was taken. I will say there is a possibility they are grandma with her sister and brother. But I'm not sure. Maybe someone will fill me in some time.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, June 16, 2017

Helen Balusik: June 25, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
The weekend is finally here. It's been one of those weeks where it's been a little to wet for my taste. The weekend is suppose to be more of the same. Maybe it won't be to bad.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                      Phillips, Wis.
                     Monday A:M
Dear Howard:-
     its a week ago since
your letter arrived so must
answer already before I forget
I'm surprised you asked me
where I was that night you came
down because I told pa to tell
you and he said he did-
What makes you think you
have an idea? Did you see me
when I was in Ogema week ago
Saturday night. I thought of you
when I went through there but
couldn't see you anywhere on the
streets- I thought I might see you
and some sheba out for a
walk or ride- ha ha-
I am pretty busy these days
it seems all the work comes
at once. Had some men working
here all last week- It sure gave
me plenty to do, cook & straighten

every thing up.
There was an awful wreck the
other day- Two of the boys I knew
so well got hurt and one is hardly expected
to live. Its really a pity to think
of it all- I suppose it will be
in the paper so you will read
about it there.
Well Howard, as I haven't
anymore to say I'll have to
say goodbye and pitch into
my work again.
                I remain
                 Your friend

Was it me or did this letter feel like she was upset with grandpa?
It sounds like they were always just missing each other.
I wonder what happened to the guy that were in that accident. Did one die?
I suppose I will never know for sure. History faded away.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Traffic on the main line of the Milwaukee road between Chicago-Milwaukee and the Twin Cities was tied up for several hours Thursday when a long coal train spread 22 of its cars over the tracks a mile and a half east of Watertown. This picture shows how the cars zig-zagged and spilled their loads. The eastbound track was cleared at 4:30 p.m. and waiting passenger trains got past. Two wreckers and crews of maintenance men working through the night and cleared up the other line rebuilding 700 feet of track. The coal was destined for towns which have reported a shortage. - Journal staff Photo by Foster C. Stanfield.

Now that was a big job. I wonder what caused it to happen.

Here is a page from the joke book:

I little something for all. Remember this is humor from 1940.

And here is a random picture:

Not sure who this is but, I know someone will tell me.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Harriet: June 14, 1929 Chicago Ill.

Dear Friends,
I don't know about you but I had a real good weekend.
On Sunday I became a Grandma! I now have a granddaughter. Her name is Lillian Rose. She weighted 7 lb 14 oz. Was born at 4:16 pm. I was in the room when she was born. I haven't got any pictures of her yet but I promise I will show you when I get some.
We also took our oldest daughter out for dinner on Saturday. Her birthday is today. She is 32 years old. They grow up so fast.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

              Chicago Ill
               Thursday night
Dearest Howard
Suppose you thought
I had died as I haven't
answered sooner.
But am all here. ha!
Hows the world treating
you anyway.
Fine as myself i hope.
It has been raining
here for the last few
Well hows the dances
coming along up there

Suppose they are all
going strong eh?
Can't wait until I
go home so can take
in some of them.
You asked me who
Isabel was going with
Its August Frisk. Agnes's
brother. You maybe know
But she said in
her last letter that
she wasn't the only
one in love with
him. So she's maybe

out of luck. ha! ha!__
Well where are
going to spend the
fourth. I don't know
yet. but would like
to go to Milwaukee on
a boat. That is if the
rest of the gang agrees
on that.
Intend to come home
some where around
the middle of July.
Had a letter from
Alice the other day.
Haven't seen her tho.

since she came back
Is there anything
new up there or
are things the same
as ever.
Am waiting for two
of my girl friends any
moment. So guess
I will sign off with
heaps of love & kisses
              Your Sweetie

I wonder if Grandpa hung out at any of the dances being held back then.
Was she able to go to any of them when she was able to come up.
I wonder who August  was and why did he have so many girls falling in love with him.
Was she able to ride a boat on the Fourth?
There was a stamp on the front of the letter that says,

Every once in awhile there is a something stamped by the stamp. Which is for 2 cents.

Here is a picture from the scrap book"

Way out on the edge of the shore ice off Bradford beach Frank Lamia, 2702 N. Twenty-sixth st.,
saw this ice formation. He was struck by its resemblance to an eagle and took this picture.

It does look like an eagle. Kind of cool.

Here is a page from the joke book:

I enjoyed these. I hope you do too.

Finally, here is a random picture:

No idea what year this was taken. It looks like they are maybe, breaking ground for a new field.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, June 9, 2017

Harriet: May 24, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well another week is gone. it looks like it's going to be a humid weekend around here. I enjoy summer but the humidity is something I would rather do without.
For anyone interested on what happened to the hawk. Well I was able to get him and saw to it he got to a place where he could get the best help. But unfortunately he did not make it. They told me they made him as comfortable as they could and he peacefully passed away.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                  Chicago Ill
Dearest Howard.
Received your long
looked for letter at last.
Thought maybe that
you had forgotten all
about me.-
Well hows everything
with you fine as
myself I hope.
It has been raining
here all day.
I was suppose to
go to a shower on one

of my girl friends, but its
just pouring so guess I will
have to stay home.
So all the dances are
going strong up there. That
almost makes me lonesome
to be there ha!-
Have you been down
to Vinnedger yet. I was
just wondering how it is
Had a letter from Isabel
Her beloved came back
so she was the happiest
girl on earth I guess -
Guess it wont be long
before she will be married.
Some of us girls went to
a fortune teller last night
ha! Got a good kick out
of it. We get a notion to
go every once in a while.

Have been working over time almost
every night this wk. I am getting
ambitious- won't be long now
before vacation time comes around
Think I will be home some time
in July. Am not positive yet.
Well dearest must sign off for
this time with
     Heaps or love & kisses
immediately           SWAK

I wonder what the fortune teller told them. I wish she would have mentioned more of about it.
I wonder if Grandpa was going to any of the dances I know he was not a dancer.
I wonder if she was able to make it up here for her vacation.
I wonder if Isabel married her beloved.
So much wondering, and no real answers.

Anyway, here is a picture from the scrap book:

Proving that the fatal climb of Delmar Fadden (inset) extended to the top of Mount Rainier.
This picture was on a film found in the camera of the dead Seattle youth, who died at the
13,000 feet elevation after being the first to reach the peak in January. The picture shows the ice
choked crater at the summit.- A.P. Wirephoto.

I wonder how many people were with him at that time and how did he die?

Here is the next page from the joke book:

This was new humor? Okay. But where is Superman. This might have been before his time.

Here is a random picture:
Not sure when this was taken.
I thought I'd try and find a more updated picture to compare. Here is what I found:
Image result for pikes peak view from rampart range road
I think the tree might even be the same one. That is a big change in the snow cover.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
The next time you hear from me I will be a Grandmother.
So don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Harriet: April 30, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
We finally had a summer like weekend. It was warm 80's but it also rained on Saturday. A few places got to much rain again. Like about 3 inches in a very short amount of time. I'm not sure how much we got here. At least it was dry on Sunday so the husband could start cutting some hay down.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                 Chicago Ill
Dear Sweetheart
Received your most
darling letter and sure
was glad to hear from
Hows everything and
everybody up around Ogema.
Same as ever. I suppose.
Well what are you
doing to keep yourself
out of mischief ha! ha!
Plenty I imagine_____
Went to a show yesterday
and saw (David Lee) in
Sonny Boy it sure was

a good picture. He sure is
a good actor for only 4 yrs old.
Is there any excitement up
there. Has Ranbergs started yet.
Suppose it won't be long now.
Is Alice still at home. Is she
going to Minneapolis with her
Swedish boy friend.
Margaret also has a foreigner Swedish
lad. They must be popular ha!
But this one don't keep his dates
very regular. It sure is a joke tho.
Had a letter from Isabel the
other day. She was so disappointed
in love poor kid.
Her sweetie hadn't written for two
months. So that sounds like an
hopeless cane eh!
Well it won't be long before
I will get my vacation sometime
in July I guess. Sure will
seem a relief to have a rest.
Altho I don't work so terrible hard-
Am going to have my permanent

wave to-morrow night. So you won't
be able to recognize me when you
see me.
Well honney news are so scarce
so guess I will have to sign off this
un-interesting scribbling for this time
will do better next time.
Heaps of Love and Kisses

It sounds like having a Swedish boy friend was the thing to have back then. well at least with Harriet anyway.

As for the movie she saw:
Image result for sonny boy movie 1929 film

It had to do with Sonny Boy's parents getting a divorce. It's a bitter one.
The mother sister tries to  hide the boy but he gets away and goes to a movie where by the time the adults find him the song Sonny Boy is being sung.
this film is sometimes silent and other places filmed with vitaphone.
As for the David Lee:
He was in six films between 1928 and 1930. His mother took hime out of films because she wanted him to have a normal childhood.
He was born in 1924 and died in 2008 from natural causes.

I wonder if Grandpa got to see her with her hair permed.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

When the steamer Illinois, became stuck in the ice Wednesday freight was carried by stevedores,
who walk across the ice as the captain, A.K. Hoxie is doing in this picture. Capt. Hoxie, who
had been conferring with the operators of the boat, climbed aboard with the aid of his ladder
and tooted for a tug, which freed the Illinois shortly before noon.     (Journal Staff Photo)

I guess stevedores, is another name for dock workers. I guess I learn something new everyday.
I wonder how many things they had to carry before it was unstuck.

Here is a page from the joke book:


Here is a random picture:

On the back it says "Me on my same job 1920".

I think it's grandpa. This picture is very faded. I did my best to darken it up.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I have to go and find a way to help an injured hawk that is in a tree at the end of the driveway.
Here is a picture of him.
I'm just waiting for some help getting him safe.
Wish me luck.

I hope you will come back soon for more fading history.
Till then. Your friend,