Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mary Kauer: Jan. 21, 1927 Rib Lake, Wis

Hello Friends,
Well I hope you enjoyed your Xmas weekend. Mine was good. I did have to start work 2 hours earlier on Monday. I did survive, barely. I just hope it's the last one, but I think I might be wrong. I'll let you know next time.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

         Rib lake Wis
         Thursday 3 P.M.
Hello Howard:-
    Well this last
letter you wrote was
more like a real letter
again. I believe I'll
------ scold you
oftener. But i won't
write such a long
letter today seeing
I'm not mad.

You said you wanted to walk
over sometime, isn't that
quite a trip? Isn't the state
road open at all or can't you
get to it from your place? If you
walk out here and back you
won't be able to work for a week.
Of course if you were a German
you could easily do it but I
didn't think a Swede could
stand that much.
All jokes aside, but I would
be glad to see you but How-
ard you've got to be absolutely
good or it'll be goodbye. I'm
telling you that now because
when you're here I can't.
  Well, I think I had better
close as I have a bunch of
socks to darn yet. Don't you

want to bring your's
over, too?
    goodbye & good luck
    Love from me.

Ever time she mentions something about his letters I wish I could read what he wrote. But now I know how she got him to be more mindful of his behavior.
She always seams to bring up something about German's being better then Swede's. It must have been her thing.
I wonder how many socks she had to darn. Now that's something that very rarely done by anyone these days.

Here a picture from the scrap book:

I know it is hard to read. It as almost to big to fit on the scanner, so here is what it says:

"Those muffled booms which north side residents heard Monday afternoon and night were from Lincoln park, where a channel deepening project has been under way in the Milwaukee river. The blasts widened gaps in the dike which was constructed to allow men to work in one side of the river while the water flowed in the other. It is hoped that the gaps will allow the river to carry off the expected flood waters successfully-- Journal Staff Photo"

Now here are a few random pictures fro you to look at.

No clue who they are or when it was taken.

No idea who this is. it was taken at Neenah, Wis. I think the studio's name was, Denninger.

No idea who they are. But it looks like it could have been taken at Cooper Falls.

And to end this post, here are a few jokes.

Well that's all I have for you this time. The next time you hear from me it will be 2016. It's hard to believe that another year has gone by.
Lifting a glass, Here's to a New Year with many wonderful surprises.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Friday, December 25, 2015

Mary Kauer: Jan. 19, 1927 Rib Lake, Wis

Dear Friends,
I know it is Christmas, but I have a schedule to maintain. So to tell you the truth, I'm starting this on Thursday and will finish, well today.
This is a long letter so here it is:

 For those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

          Rib lake Wis
          Jan. 19, 19267
Dear Howard:-
  I got both of your
letters today so I'll try
and answer right away.
But gee, Howard I don't
think that you had
such a lot of reason to
feel blue. I told you
Xmas that I would go
to parties. You must

think it is lots of fun to stay
here all week and all day Sunday
and listen to the kids crying.
Clara is gone almost every nite,
if she isn't working in the store
she goes to lodge or out visiting
so I don't as much as get a chance
to go and see Agnes Schneider
during the week. Gee, why don't
you go out too. I can't help it
if your mother and Thomas
don't think you should. But I
can't do that and stay home
all the time. I'll get so darn
cross and crabby that I don't
know what to do with myself.
And when it comes to being
true to you I guess I'm just
as true to you as you are to
me but that doesn't mean

that I've got to be tied
to you all the time. If
you don't trust me any
more than just when I'm
with you, you don't trust
me very darn much. And
if you can't be true to
me at all unless you
are with me or are stay-
ing at home, well I'd like
to know what you would
do if we were married.
Then I certainly couldn't

trust you very far.
And when I told you I'd
go to parties you said,
well alright, as long as I
don't kiss anyone. Well, I
didn't and I don't intend
But about going to
Moors, I can't promise
you that I won't go there
or won't go with them.
Because I don't th intend
to make a promise that

I'd be sure to break. Mary &
Agnes Schneider, Alvera Hingst, one
married couple, the musician and
his daughter and a couple of
fellows from town were on Moors
sled. Leonard was in front
driving and I didn't say more
than hello and goodnight to
 When you called up Monday
nite I had just finished bathing
the baby and then while I was
talking to you Pete came home
from Medford and wanted some
supper so then I don't know
whether I said goodbye to you
or not.
Say we are having a party
Sunday so if you can come I

wish you would.
 I got a letter from
John today and he
said they're choir is
giving broad casting
Friday nite at 7 o'clock
station WAIU American
Insurance company Union
Well, so long, maybe
You'll be sore at me now
    Love from Mary

Well it sounds like they might have been having an issue with trust. I wonder what he wrote in the 2 letters she got in one day.
It does sound like they might have hit a ruff spot where their trust in on another was being tested.
I wonder what songs they sang for the broadcast.

Since it is Xmas day here is another Christmas card for you

Best Wishes for
a very Merry Xmas
and a Happy New Year

After typing this up, I realized how long it was so instead of post any new pictures maybe I'll find some past ones to share with you again.

 A Christmas tree from the past.

Just hanging around on top of the log pile.

A picture from a logging camp.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mary Kauer: Jan. 17, 1927 Rib lake, Wis.

Dear Friends,
How was your weekend? Mine was too short. Plus having to get up two hours earlier on Monday. I survived, barely. The rest of the week will be very busy with Xmas on Friday.
Anyway here is the next letter from Mary:

For those of you that find it hard to read here is what it says:

                  Rib Lake Wis
                  Sunday 11a.m.
Dear Howard:-
   I s'pose you think I
quit you because I did
not write again last
week. But I'm not guilty
as I was pretty busy every
evening. Thursday evening
I wrote a letter to Mary
and told her I wasn't
coming to camp and
then I sewed a barber

apron for John. Friday evening
I worked till 9 o'clock, just think
Pete put in a hot water tank
and a bathtub up here and
gee, it seems nice to have all
the hot water you want. But
oh boy, you should have seen
the mess up here. It looked
a whole lot worse than it
does at home when we're all
And last nite I was to a
party at Moores .Leonard came
to town and got a sleigh
load of kids from here. But
you don't need to feel bad on
account of that. He's got a crush
on Agnes Schneider now. I feel
sorry for his girl in a way

but gee, why doesn't she
tell him to go to hang,
even if she didn't mean
it. Now don't you believe
me when I say that all a
person gets out of being in
love is a heartache?
They didn't have quite as
a big a crowd as they
do on Sundays but we
had a real good time just
the same. But gee, Howard
last nite I did miss you

I guess I'm so used
to quarreling at a
party that it seems
funny not to have any-
one to fight with. But
today I'm glad in a way
that you were not there.
You know why.
Oh say, Mr. Moore said
that he and may want to
go to a dance at Ogema
some Sat. nite and if
the roads are open.

and he said if I would like to
go along I could. So if I let
you know if we come will you
go too? maybe he won't go but
he said May has been giving
him the devil because he did
not take her yet.
Well, this is all the news
I can think of today so goodbye
                     and love from me.

It must have been very exciting to be able to take a nice hot bath whenever she wanted to. We take this kind of thing for granted now a days.
I wonder if they were able to go to a dance in Ogema. I bet they had a lot of fun.
She makes it sound like she and Grandpa argued a lot. Maybe that's one of the reasons they were not really right for one another.

Here are some random pictures for you to look at:

I thought i would show you a winter scene. No idea who this is but he's in charge of a whole lot of bull.

I think this is a picture taken on someones class trip, but I'm not sure.

No idea who they are or when it was taken.

Now since it's Xmas time, here is a Xmas postcard from a faded past.

Hello Howard:
Wishing you a
Merry Christmas.
Hope Santa will be
good to you. Come
over and see me
   From Inez
Not exactly sure who she is.
Oh well. I guess like her I will wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Friday, December 18, 2015

Mary Kauer: Rib Lake, Wis.

Dear Friends,
The week is over, almost. I still have to work on Saturday. Plus I have to start 2 Hours earlier on Monday!! It's hard to believe that Xmas is a week away. I'm really not ready for it or in the mood. I think it might be for the fact that it does not look like winter around here. For me there has to be snow on the ground. But the way it looks there will maybe be a very little bit of snow on the ground. As far as I know none of the lakes or even rivers are frozen so if your into ice fishing, bring a boat.
Anyway here is the next letter from Mary. The reason there is no date is because Uncle Peter took the stamp off the envelope plus she did not date it. So I think this is where this letter belongs.

As always fro those that find it hard to read here is what it says:

Dear Howard:-
  I s'pose you are cussing
at me again for not answer-
ing but I was so sleepy Sat.
evening that I couldn't write.
I didn't have to work so
much tho last week because
Clara was only sick a day.
I was home again yesterday
and in the afternoon we teacher,
Rose, Margaret, & I went to Daubert's
and then I stayed there for
the nite and came to town
this morning with George and
Mr. I was here already at 6.30
What are you doing now,

are you still working? Or did
they fire you already?
Say you asked me the
other time if you could tell
Anna what pa said, sure
you can if you want to.
Gee, I can't think of any news
at all so I'll have to quit for
tonite. Anton was home Sunday
and he had a face like a
Chinaman. I guess he had a tooth
ache all week. I feel sorry for
him because I know what
that is.
  Well so long and love
               from M.K.
P.S. This letter is all blotted
up but I don't want to write it over.

I hope I did put this letter in the right spot. It's not a very newsy kind of  letter. I hope Anton got over his tooth problem quickly.
I wonder what her pa said that Grandpa wanted to tell Anna about.

Here are a few random pictures for you to look at:

This is Henry Hallberg. No idea who he was or when it was taken.

A picture from someones class trip. This is Marianne.

A winter picture of the garage at the farm. No idea when it was taken but the trees on the right side are not as tall as I remember them from when I was growing up.

Well that's all I have for you today. I hope you come back again for more faded history.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mary Kauer: Jan. 9, 1927 Rib lake, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope this post finds you all well. Me, I'm good. I had a good weekend. It's hard to believe that Xmas is is close. The temps around here does not tell me it's December. But I think it might be starting to change. I think we will have a white Xmas around here.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary:

As always for those that find it hard to read here is what it says:

                    Rib Lake Wis
Sunday 9 P.M. Jan. 9, 1927
Dear Howard:-
   This stationary has
no name and address
printed on it but maybe
I can write a letter on it.
I'm still at home but
Mr. Lamberty is going to
take me to town in the
morning with the cutter.
It's nice to have such
good neighbors isn't it. I
wouldn't have come home
this morning if I had
tho't that it would
turn out so bad. We
were over to Lamberty's
all afternoon. Anton

was home from camp
but he went back this
Katie, teacher, Rosie &
Margaret want to go to
Lambert's camp next Sat.
and if I can get off I'll go
out on the train from
town Sat. morning else
I'd have to walk home
Friday nite. I hope I can
go. I think that would
be more fun than listen-
ing to the kids crying.
  Say, Howard are you
mad because I looked
so grouchy Saturday?
Gee, I couldn't help it, I

felt so darn mean and
the kids all crying
around that is enough
to give anybody a grouch.
Gee, I certainly wouldn't
have such spoiled kids,
would you?
  And don't be sore because
I said you couldn't come
Sunday's but gee, Howard
that's the only way to
                So don't be
sore, will you? If you
come during the week come
on up. Maybe the doctor
forgot to take out all the
stitches and you'll have
to come in this week.

Well, ma says we have
to go to bed. so I'll
quit for tonite. Lots of
love from M.K.
say, how about that
warm weather you prom-
ised us? Did it come to
Ogema, it isn't here.

It sounds like Mary wasn't in a good mood for some reason. I wonder if it was the kids that were driving her up the wall.
For those of you who don't know about the camps, they are logging camps. It was very big back then. It's the thing that made places like Rib Lake a bustling kind of place.
I wonder what she was talking about stitches. Did she or Grandpa have some kind of stitches for some reason? Or was it one of her many wise cracks she makes about something. Or was it some sort of secrete hint about something that only the two of them knew the true meaning.
Just more history that has faded way, never to be understood again.

Here are few random pictures for you to look at:

It looks like this one was taken at a place where they brought the logs to be loaded on to a train. The sign says "Morse".

No idea who any of these people are. Do you?

These two were part of a album of some sort at one time. No idea who any of the guys are or when it was taken.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you can come back again for some more Faded history.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Friday, December 11, 2015

Mary Kauer: Jan. 2, 1927 Rib Lake, Wis

Dear Friends,
I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to the weekend. I wonder if it will ever start snowing here. It's been raining. I sure hope that there will be snow by Christmas. It's just not Christmas around here if there is no snow on the ground.
Anyway here is the next letter from Mary plus Xmas card from Emma. As you can see the letter is the first one for the year 1927. I will tell you that most of the letters from this year are from Mary.

For those that find it hard to read here is what it says:

                        Jan. 2, 1927
Fear Howard:-
  well, this is Sunday evening
and I was here all day. If I
spend many more Sundays like
this I'll go bugs. After this I'll
always go home if I have to
walk every time. Gee, you can't
imagine how lonesome and long
this Sunday was. I hope they
get that skating rink fixed up
pretty soon. That will be some-
thing to do when I stay here.
Agnes Schneider & Elvria Henpt
were up here before and they are
coming again when they get thru
washing dishes. Clara wants to go
to the show so I'll have to

stay here with the baby. Clara
was down to Bushaws before and
then the baby drank some kerosene
and coughed so much that Peter
called Clara up and told her to
come home. The baby was alright
when Clara got home but she took
her along to Bushaws.
Agnes Schneider & I were to a
party at Bondis last nite. It was
a surprise party on Joe's girl. I
was going to tell you about it when
you called up but I didn't know
yet if we were going. We walked
out and walked back again. And
we got home at 1.30. That's not so
bad, was it?
Moores, Bob Henpil & Daubuts were not there

  Oh say, Margaret got that doll that
Bob said he'd get for her. You know
she teased him so much about getting
a doll for Agnes and then he said
he'd get her one.
  When Kauer's went home with
their coupe last nite they tipped
over. I guess they all got quite a
scare but nobody got hurt.
  Nick Goerrer (Katie Lambert's husband) was home from
camp again, too. He certainly does
like to dance even if he is married
Or maybe he gets lonesome for
Katie, how about it? He work at
the same camp Joseph is at and
Joe thinks it's too much trouble
to come home so often.

Say, Howard I just read my
letter over and honestly, I don't
see how you can read it. if I
hadn't written it myself I could
never read it. Say, I don't know
anymore news so think I'll stop
before I use another sheet of paper.
Say, you know what you said
about turning Catholic. Well, if you
don't want to all you have to do
is say so. You don't need to make
it as strong as that fellow told
you. Tell him I don't want to go
there as I heard it was awfully
hot. So long now and lots of
love & X from M.K. I wish you
were here now but maybe it's better
that you aren't. Let's be good a
little while.

 This is one of the longer letters she has written. I wonder how the baby got a hold of kerosene and drank some. I'm glad to hear she was okay. I wonder what kind of yelling happen over it. I wonder who was suppose to be watching the baby.
It sounds like Grandpa was considering becoming Catholic. One of his ways to get closer to her.
I want to say sorry for any of the names I spelled wrong. It was hard to make out some of the letters.
I wonder what kind of surprise party they had for Joe's girl.
I wonder if the doll she mentioned is the same one from the last letter. if it was it must have been a hit around the Rib lake area.
Oh well, just more things that have forever past into an unknown history, never to be known again.

Here is a Xmas card that would have been the last letter from 1926. It's from Emma.

I don't know about you but I love those old time Xmas cards.

Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.

One of the logging pictures. I think Grandpa might be the one on the top closest to the front end.

Just one of the pictures that looks like it was from the twenties. No idea who is in it though.

Just another picture of someones class trip to D.C..

Well that's all I have to share with you today. I hope you have a good weekend.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mary Kauer: Dec. 17, 1926 Rib lake, Wis

Dear Friends,
How are you? I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was uneventful. The weather was warmer then I think it should be for December in Wisconsin.
Here is the next letter from Mary.

For those who find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                  Rib Lake Wis
                  Thurs. 8 P.M.
Dear Howard:-
  I got your letter this
morning and  certainly
enjoyed reading it. That's
the kind of letter I'd
like to get every day.
Don't you s'pose I could
get somebody else to write
to me too so it wouldn't
be so hard much for you. I
don't know whether I'll

be able to write a very long
letter or not tonite as I want
to fix Johns box up yet so
I can send it tomorrow gee,
Xmas is coming in a hurry.
And I haven't got anything for
you yet. How would a quart of
good whiskey do? Alright? Or Clara
says they have some little
dolls down in the store that
stick their tongue out when
you push their stomach
that would be nice for kids
wouldn't it?
  Say Howard, by the looks of
the weather and the roads
here I don't s'pose you could come
Sat. so I guess I'll go home.
Pa was in the store yesterday

and he asked Clara
if I could come and she
said I could go and stay
for Sunday right away. I
wonder if they plowed the
roads yet. Pa said that
around the town hall corner
it was all drifted.
I'm going home Xmas nite
and stay over Sunday so
you be sure to be there
then. I don't s'pose you can

come over during the week
if the roads are so bad.
I tho't maybe you could
come and help me iron
  How are you? You didn't
catch cold going home did
you? gee, I was surprised
at the change in the weather
Monday. I'm all O.K. except
that I was so mad at the
kids tonite that I got a

headache. Say you said I could
boss you if I didn't make you
wipe the dishes. Well, how would
it be if you would wash them?
And then if you always let me
sleep till noon when I'm tired you'll
be a real good scout. I'm beginning
to think you'd be a nice old man ( I mean husband)
 Say I'll have to quit now as
it's 8.30 already
                       Goodnite & Love from

Well it was not a short letter. She didn't really said much, but she wrote almost five pages.
I wonder if they were able to get together for Xmas.
the weather sounds like it was on the snowy side. More then we have right now.
I tried to find an example of the kind of doll she mentioned but I could not find one on the internet. I'm sure Grandpa would have chosen the whiskey over a doll.

Anyway, here are a few random pictures for you to look at.

This was taken from the Empire State Building on I think someones class trip. In the 1950's.

Lois Marie was Grandpa's niece. These are her children.

This looks like the Johnson boys cutting firewood. But I could be wrong.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for so more faded history.
Till Next time.
Your friend,