Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mary Mattingly: July 31, 1928 Willisburg, Ky.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was good. It could have been better. I've been having an issue with vertigo.Still trying to figure out the exact cause. But I will get through it.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary Mattingly:

As always, for those who find it hard to read,(Mary's are a bit more of a challenge)  here is what it says:

             Willisberg Ky
               July 31, 1928
Dear Friend Howard
I am answering your letter several
days a go I guess you thought I wasn't
going to answer your letter but I have
been so busy I hadn't got to answer
I hope you won't get mad at me
I am keeping busy now have you
lots of busy and there well the
craps loads callers will hear from
I don't live on my farm I have it
rented and will I hope you are
having nice weather now. We are
having fine weather we need a
rain just now Note I will close
hoping to hear from you gone soon

From Mary to Howard
With Best wishes to you

As always I did the best I could to figure out what she wrote. I know I got it wrong but at least I tried.
It made for an interesting write for me.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 21. Street Scene, Panama.
 22. Street Vendor, Colon, Panama.

Here is a more modern street view:
Image result for street scene in Panama

Here is a more to date picture of a street vendor in Colon:
Image result for  Colon, Panama street vendor

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

No idea who they are or when it was taken.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, November 25, 2016

Harriet: July 31, 1928 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a very good Thanksgiving. Mine was good. No drama, just the way I like it. I went to my parents house. My girls were not there. The youngest one went with her husband to has Grandparents house and my oldest one, well lets just say she doesn't do family get to gathers and leave it at that.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

               Chicago Ill
               July 29, 1928
Dearest Howard.
Received your darling
letter and sure was
glad to hear from you
well how is every
thing at Ogema-
Same as ever I suppose
Suppose you are busy
haying eh Sure I
was there I would
help you. Wouldn't
that be some help eh
Maybe don't mean
maybe either ha! ha!
Are they still having
dances at Reinberg
Have you been out
there lately.
So you ever see
Violet around there
or maybe she is still
at ("Tomahawk")
Imagine she is enjoying
herself there ha!
Haven't called Walter
either as I didn't know
how to spell his
last name.
So there ever when you
write him next
tell him to call me
My telp. no is ( Palisde 8247)
That would be
more prayer eh!
Sure would like
to meet him and
see the good looking

sheik of course don't
tell him that as he
might think that I
am trying to flatter him
How is Clarence getting
along. Haven't
to him yet. So you
see what a busy
little girl I am__
Is John still going
with Sabrina and
how I suppose
So Gladys and Lennea
was home. heard all
about it. Suppose
you are all in some
how of deep eh.

You take my advise
and be a good boy
as always___
You know ha! ha!
Well dear I haven't
any news in particular
I will sign off my
broadcasting station for
this night
With heaps of love & kisses
Can't think of
those jokes this time
but will copy them
and send them later
Greet Thomas               S.W.A.K.

I wonder if she ever hooked up with Walter?
I know I got some of the names wrong. I just hope I was close on the spelling of them though.
I like the way the ends her letters. It's like she is signing off on the radio.
I wonder how often she was able to come up this way to visit people?
For those of you who don't know about the phone number, that's the way they did it back then. All with operators not like today where everything is done by computers.
Image result for 1928 phone operator

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 19. Administration Building, Panama.
20. Hotel, Agua Dulce Port, Panama.

Image result for administration building panama 1906
This is what the administration building looks like today.

As for the second picture, I tried to see if I could find a more up to date picture but couldn't find one. So there is a good chance it doesn't exist anymore.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

 Since she mentioned haying, I thought I would show you one. I think it is Grandpa on the tractor baling hay.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a very enjoyable weekend. Be careful if you go shopping it could be more of an adventure then you bargained for.
Came back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mabel Elmblade: July 27, 1928 Congress Park, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was O.K. The husband got a deer this weekend. A six point buck. So we have more then enough meat. We will be sharing it with someone else in the family. It is finally feeling like it is suppose to for this time of year around here. Temps are below freezing.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mabel:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

La Granger July 24, 1928
Dearest Howard
I received your lovable letter
was more then glad to hear
from you. I sure am glad
I have a friend and a Swedish
one also like myself. We have nice
weather. Expect it's pretty out
there Isn't it. I will come out
but not for a while yet as
I'm staying home helping
mother dear. I have a real
nice mother. You sure will
have a nice mother-in-law
I sure would love to have
you meet here. She's a
Christian too. That means
a lot as I am also and
hope you are too. there's
nothing better then to have
a savior that we can
go to in our affairs. He's
been good to me. What
age did your mother die
at? Has she been dead
long. Well, Howard dear
I'm going to wash my

room. And iron so I'm
quite busy. I love to have
you come and see me
in the near future. Have
you a big farm or how
Have you a family Picture
of your mother and dad.
if you have an extra
send one one as I'm
very interested in you
Well dearest it seams good
to know that you are
Swedish. Because mother
likes the Swedish and
religious. I always say it
I'm suppose to be married.
I want a Swedish man
and one who goes to church
Well dear good Bye
    hope to hear from
      you real soon
           loving Friend
All for you dearest

Here is picture she included:
 July 1928

She really wanted a Swedish man in her life.
I wonder if Grandpa ever saw her in person or not.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 17. French Cranes, Pedro Miguel, Panama.
18. In cut at Bas Obispo, Panama.

I wonder if any of those kind of cranes exist today. I sure would like to see what they looked like when they were working.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

No idea who they are. They do like they were ready to go hunting for maybe a turkey or pheasant.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving.
Don'y for get to drop by again soon for more Fading History.
 Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, November 18, 2016

Harriet: July 24, 1928 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Another week done. This weekend in Wisconsin is the start of Deer gun season. Right now this has been the warmest November I can think of. This will be a harder hunting season because there is no snow on the ground. Water is not even frozen. The first shot deer hear and they will heading to the swamps. They will also have an easier time hiding in plain sight also.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                Chicago, Illinois
                 Monday Eve.
Dearest Howard
Received your dear
letter and it certainly
cheered me up to hear
from you.
How's the world
treating you now days
It treating me fine
and dandy as ever
Oh boy have we
had some hot weather
and I don't mean
maybe either.
Sure did think so
when I am working
of course I am to ambitious

That's me you know.
What's all the news
around Ogema any-
thing special happened
ha! ha!
You have to excuse
my writing with pencil
but the pen went
on a strike ( oh that's
You asked me if
I had heard any
new jokes. Well yes
I have heard of
few but am bashful
to tell (em) ha! ha!
You know me don't you

Gee I am dead tired
to-night from hard
working poor me ha! ha!
I have been out
visiting all week so
am i going to bed
early to-night (and how)
Margret told me
to tell you hello from
She is working at
the same place as
I am.
Thanks very much
for the pictures you
sent me. They were
very good of you

Well dear I haven't
any news in particular
So I better sign off my
broadcasting labor
So will close with
Hope & love & kisses
       Your Sweetie
Answer immediately

A few of the words I was not sure of so I'm pretty sure I got them wrong.
Not a whole lot to comment on.
It sounds like Grandpa was always looking for a new joke. Plus I think he liked to tell jokes.
I just might have to find a few jokes to share from the joke book.

 Here are the next viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 15. Steam Shovel in Cut, Bas Obispo, Panama.
16. French Machinery in Fill, Pedro Miguel.

These two are showing views of the work going on at the beginning of the construction of the Panama  Canal.
I'm trying to figure out what the French machine is doing.

Here is a page from the joke book:
I thought since someone is always talking about jokes I'd show you a a whole page. Enjoy.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

No idea who they are or when it was taken. But it was taken by Rash at Appleton, Wis.

Well that's about all I have to share with you this time.
Remember if you are a hunter, have a safe and successful hunt.
I hope you will drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mabel Elmblade: July 18, 1928 Congress Park, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a very nice weekend. Mine was a little short, kind of. I also had Monday off. So I guess I still had a two day weekend. What did I do with my Monday, I did some baking. Corn bread and some cup cakes. I don't do this very often so I have to make it last.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mabel:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

La Grange July 18 1928
Dearest Friend Howard
I received your loving
letter. I am fine-
We have warm-
weather. So your
Busy on the farm
say I'm going to
answer that nice
question of yours.
If you don't want
one why. don't you
let me know-
dearest. I sure would
like to see you-
dearest. I feel like
I know you well.

I went to the beach
today. it sure is
cool and nice out
there. well dear I
am pretty busy at
the present time
will write more
later. So Bye Bye.
       dear. your
Write real
dear    Come
             and visit

I'm a little confused on the question she was answering. Maybe in the future it will be better explained.
The weather was nice and she she enjoyed the beach.
More later I guess.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "panama 1906" set:
Remember this is from 1906.....
 13. Row of American Steam Shovels Ready for Work, Empire, Panama.
  14. Negroes at Work Near Cristobal, Panama.

This is the beginning of the construction of the Panama canal.
Remember this is from 1906. So please do not get offended because of the wording in the second card. It was a different time. It is a part of history. Not a good part, but it still was common back then. Someday I hope that this word will be a word with nothing attached it. Just an old word that has faded away.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

I think she was someones pen pal. I think this is from the sometime in the 60's.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, November 11, 2016

Mary Mattingly: July 16, 1928 Willisburg, Ky.

Dear Friends,
Boy that was an interesting kind of week. We have a new possible leader or is he called president elect. Whatever. Time will see what kind of history this will be. You know 100 years from now, how will it be looked at.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Mary Mattingly:

As usual I will try my best to copy what she wrote but it is always very hard so bare with me:

   Willisburg Ky
                        July  13 1928
Dear Howard
I received your most welcome letter
to day was glad to hear from you and hear
you was in. Saying life I am to I didn't
go any place the 4th of July our church
had a picnic but I didn't get to
go we was be far behind with our hay
it is so rainy here on it was dry mix
to mark the 4 of July and I have tobacco
I would love to meet after I couldn't our
big meeting is going on now this will
on next we are having a good meeting
I think I wish you was here to go with
me it is hot here now the crape
loaf fine But it is okay with for now
Well I haven't got my pictures just but
I think I will have them and get you
with a some I have I will for & need
to send you one in return a far the one
you sent me I was glad to get yours and
I guess you will be to so i will close
for this time answer soon
    from your loving Friend
    Mary Mattingly
      to Howard

I know I got a lot wrong but I tried. Maybe you can do better then I did. Maybe I would have done better if I was more rested. Sometimes I'm a little tired from work. Well that and the time change doesn't help any. I'm not sure if there is a picture of her somewhere or not or if she has not sent one yet.
Time will tell.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set :

 11. Crossing Chagres River, Panama.
12. Ditch at Cut, Colon, Panama.

These two show scene's from the area where they were starting to work on the Panama Canal.
Here is a more up to date picture of the Chagres River:
Image result for chagres river
 I wonder if it could have been taken around the same area?

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

I'm not sure if I have shown you this one before or not. I do not know who this is or when it was taken . I was taken in Kaukauna Wis. by H.J. Wagner.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today. I hope you have a good weekend.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Harriet: Jul 16, 1928 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was great. I can finally say, I'm going to be a Grandma. I have known for about two weeks but my daughter wanted me to wait to say anything until she had an ultrasound.
She is due June 6th, or there about. You know babies, they arrive on their time not yours.
The weather was very warm around here. Short sleeves and it's the beginning of November. There use to be snow on the ground years ago. The weather to me is a month behind itself.
Anyway, here is a letter from Harriet. She didn't sign her last name. Maybe sometime in the future it will appear:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

            Chicago Ill
             Sunday Afternoon
Dear Howard
Well I promised to
write and as I always
keep my promises here
it goes.
We arrived O.K. at
9 o'clock this morning
Didn't sleep a wink
all night so you
can imagine how sleepy

we are-- and (how)
Well where did you go after
you left me Sat. night
That That will be telling eh:
Hope you don't cheat on me
you just better not ha! ha!
We just had dinner
so after I finish this letter
I am going to bed and
sleep all afternoon.
So you see what a good
girl I am._______ No kidding
And to-night I am
going to  a good show
Suppose you will be
going to Punberg's to-night
Wish that I could go
with you Well have to
miss one good time eh-
I saw Clarence & Otto at
Westboro before we left-

Well dear I haven't any news
at all & guess I will sign
off until next time. And don't
forget to send me Walter's address
& your picture
So will close with
heaps of " love & kisses"
                    5517 School St.
Ans soon

It sounds like Grandpa and Harriet were hanging out together, but where exactly were they? She might have be up here and now was in Chicago.
It kind of sounds like she wanted to write to Walter. I wonder how she knew him.
Not to much here, maybe in a future letter she will say more.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 9. Interior Fort Lorenzo, Mouth of Chagres River.
10. Getting Ready. Empire, Panama.

The first card is a fort that is no longer used.Even back in1906.

Image result for fort lorenzo panama
This is a more recent picture of the same spot.

The second is another scene of them working on I think the beginning of the construction of the Panama Canal.

On November 7th, my parents celebrated their 57th anniversary.
  If you see this couple congratulate them.

Well that's about all I have to say today. Maybe next time I will comment on the election results, maybe.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, November 4, 2016

Helen Balusik: July 6, 1928 Evanston, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well another week gone. I hope your week was a good one. Mine was a little shorter but just fine. The weather has been on the warm side. I wonder if this is our Indian Summer, finally?
Anyway, here is another letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

             Evanston, Ill.
              July 6 - 28
Dear Howard:
  Well, how is the boy
any way? My, I sure
was pleased with
your letter & to
get it so soon.
Really, I am in a
very big hurry so I
won't be able to
write much of a in-
teresting letter but you
don't mind do you?
I have to do so many
things before I go
home I am going in
about two weeks or

maybe sooner then that.
I am planning on surprising
them at home, I didn't tell
them when I am coming
& they are so worried.
How did you spend the
4th- Tell me all about
it when I see you eh?
I had a fine time but
almost got wet but
escaped the storm before
it arrived so it sure
spoiled the evening because
it just poured.
So they had the fireworks
until last night. It sure
was grand to watch them
go off.
Well Howard, I must
run along now, I sure
will be glad when I'm
out of the city to get a
chance to write letters at
least & take time doing
it here it is continual
rush right along.
Won't be long now I

will be going through dear
old Wisconsin.
So please write yet before
I leave. I sure have
enjoyed getting your
letters all winter.
Well bye bye be good
boy. I'm glad you
go to the tent meetings.
Aren't the meetings great?
                 Only Helen

Boy I think he must of wrote letters back sometimes as soon as he got them.
I was a little surprised that because it rained on the 4th that they shot them off a couple of days later. I don't know if they do that kind of thing now a days. I'm trying to remember if they ever did that here.
I wonder how many tent meeting Grandpa went to? I guess that's another thing that has already faded away.

Here are the next two viewer cards from the "Panama 1906" set:

 7. American Steam Shovel in Culebra Cut.
8. Culebra Street. Gold Hill in Distance.

These two picture show the work being done on the Panama Canal.
The second one shows some of the workers going off to work.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

Not sure when or where this is. Also not sure who is in the picture.

Well, that's about all I have to share with you today.
Here's to having a very nice weekend.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,