Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Harriet: April 12, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dearest Friends,
I hope everyone had a very nice holiday weekend. Mine was good. The husband and I did go hiking again. It was on the sloppy side because of all the rain we have been getting lately. The wood ticks are still a problem. He had more then I did as usual. I was carrying Bounce dryer sheets with me. I did wipe out once so I got a bit muddy. We will be waiting awhile again because of the sloppiness and our daughter is about to have a baby any day now.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                  Chicago Ill
                 Thursday Eve
Dearest Sweetheart
Received your sweetest letter and
certainly cheered me up to hear
from you.
Hows the world treating
you anyway. hope as fine
and dandy as it is treating
Gee is it cold here to-day
seems like winter again and
last week it was 84 above
So was quite a difference ha!
What kind of a weather man
is there up in northern Wis.
Has Walter & Archer left for
Chicago and Edward also I
Just when are you coming
to Chicago.
Have you heard from Walter
any lately. Haven't spoken to
him for coons age.
Sure was surprised to hear

about Marian Cummings.
They are going sane up around
there eh!
Margret had a letter from Catherine H.
to-day. She is working at Spirit
Falls. So Johnnie has some way
to go now. ha! ha!
What is Clarence doing for
excitement. I wrote to him but
he never answered. Just like
him.- Slow but sure eh.
Is Carl Miller married yet.
Saw his old sweetie Dorothy Saderbeck
the other night. Don't mention it
to anybody. will tell you all about
her when I get home. as its a
 long story. She comes to see Margret
as I won't have anything to do
with her. Just ask Walter all about
her. ha!
Well honney its getting to be bed
time for me. So will close with
Heaps of love & Kisses---
                    Your Sweetie
at once

 It sounds like the weather back then was just as messed up then as it is now. Was that global warming back then too?
 Lots of names mentioned. I only wish I knew more about all of them. Like why didn't she have anything to do with Dorothy. But I know it's a tale I may never hear.
She still keeps mentioning Walter.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Our nomination for the most desolate stretch in these parts is the lake front, where the wind blows snow across the ice formed by the spray.- Journal Staff Photo.

I suppose being on Lake Michigan at that time of the year did feel like it was desolated.

Now here is a page from the joke book:

Enjoy. I like the cartoon with a drunk in the radio station.

And here is a random picture:

On the back it says: "Switching at Macky Spur"

No idea when it was taken. I did have to tweak it a little. The original is a little faded.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, May 26, 2017

Helen Balusik: April 11, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine was uneventful. Now I'm looking forward to a nice three day weekend. I just hope the weather will behave so we can enjoy it. Well, at least be able to spend time outside without getting wet.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                 Phillips, Wis.
                      Apr. 19-29
Dear Howard:-
     Yours came Saturday
was so short tho, oh well. I
guess mine was the same for
a long time, why should I
  How do you like this cold
weather? Everybody says we
get more snow so I'm ex-
pecting is one of these days.
  How did you like the
thrill of the storm last Friday?
We sure were lucky it didn't
hit our town. It sure must
have been terrible in Rice Lake
and Ladysmith- Our paper says
twenty dead that they know of
now & so many hurt.
Last night was a meeting
at church but I didn't feel
much like going & rather went
to bed at about six thirty
"just like the chickens"eh?
  Tomorrow is an auction
sale near by, I was thinking

of going just to have some fun,
but not if its this cold. I
rather stay where I'm at. HaHa.
  My brother stopped in for
a short time this morning
wished he'd come home more
oftener so it wouldn't be so
lonesome around here. Pa is
out doors almost all day &
so I am by my lonesome most
of the day excepting evenings I
usually have some company or
else go out see whats going
on around the neighborhood.
I suppose its the same way
with you?
   I have noticed the trees are
beginning to turn a little green
aren't they?
  About two more weeks & we
all can start fishing, I hope.
My brother & his boss said they
were yesterday up to big elk
river but that the water is
too high. I imagine a person
would freeze standing out

so long. Perhaps after I get
 my fishing outfit I will begin
whether fishing season is open
or not. its mostly for the
bunch to meet there more then
really fishing- I missed it
all last spring but not this
year while I'm here.
I hear the roads are so bad
all over & I suppose they will
be worse yet after the frost begins
to come out of the ground.
I think I'll have to make a fire
in the stove because my hands
are blue now from cold. Usually
I don't keep it up in the evening
but tonight I'll have to do so.
Wonder when you will come
to Phillips again?
           Well bye bye
              As Ever
                Your friend

Well the weather sounds like it was kind of ruff back then. I'll have to see if I can look up the snow storm that hit by Rice lake and Labysmith. If I find anything I'll try to tell you a little bit about it. With that many people getting killed I think I should find something.
I wonder if she was able to go fishing like she wanted. Or at least where her fishing outfit in front of others.
I hope her fingers were able to warm up before she went to bed that night.
Her going to bed so early that one night was just like going to bed just like the chickens.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

PUZZLE PICTURE: Find the snow plow. This picture
shows a Milwaukee railroad plow bucking drifts which blocked
the right-of-way between Ripon and Pickett, Wis. This stretch
has been one of the worst during the series of blizzards which
have raged through Wisconsin in the past month.

There sure were a lot of snow storms in Wisconsin that year.
As for finding the snow plow, it is there somewhere.

Here is a page from the joke book:

I like the suggestions on how to get a cherry out of the bottom of your glass.

And here is a random picture:

I thought with so much talk about snow storms, I would show one with lots of snow. Not sure who is in this picture but I'm sure someone will tell me.

Before I go, I just wanted to say I looked a little bit for info on the snow storm she mentioned but could not find it. Maybe someone else can. So that is your assignment. see if you can find out about this storm she mentioned.
I hope you will drop by for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sigrid Niemela: April 4, 1928 Mt. Iron Minn.

Dear Friends,
Well we had a chilly wet kind of weekend. Will it ever warm up and stay warm? I know it will but it's just tiresome being so cool and rainy for so long. This week looks like it will be more of the same. I know stop whining. So I will.
As I was looking at the next letter I realized it was a left over from 1928. Sorry. I got the time of year right, just not the year. So Lets go back in time one more year, here is a letter from Sigrid:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

           Mt. Iron Minn
           Apr. 4, 1928
Dear friend,
Recieved your lovely
letter and the picture.
Thanks ever and ever
so much for both.
I didn't have a blessed
thing to do tonight so
I started to write to
pass time off.
Probably in Wisconsin
everything is blooming
and spring is in full
swing. It seems pretty
slow coming here. There
isn't any snow to
mention of anymore
but otherwise it's rather
cold and dreary looking.

The days go so much
faster on nice sunny
days but a cold lone-
some feeling creeps into
one in wintery and
rainy days, I think.
I live here in this
small village with
my grandparents. My
mother, father, sisters &
brothers are on a farm
at Middle River in north-
ern Minnesota. There are
few young people of my
age here and I can
go out very little now
when grandpa is ill
with cancer and seems
to be getting worse all
the time. I've always
wanted to go somewhere

else too, but so far I've
been tied down.
I believe you are used
to Finnish people, as you
said you have a girl
working there. What is
her name may I ask?
I cannot play any
musical instrument but
all the same I like
to listen and enjoy
when others give. I
dance a little but
never was "dance-crazy"
maybe because I never
could go when I was
younger and wanted to go.

I think your fine, when
you don't drink. So few
boys now are without,
that it's really a very
few that are decent as
to that part. I don't
like drunkards, they are
so low, and awful looking.
Use your own will force
& I'm sure you never
will be drunk.
I shall soon send you
a picture of myself ( but
I believe you'll be awfully
disappointed when you
do see it.) At present
haven't any.
  Best of Easter Greet-
ings         Sincerely,

Once again I'm sorry for putting this letter in the wrong spot. But the post mark was hard to read. So I think when I separated the letters by year I got this one in the wrong spot. There could be others sometime but hopefully  not.
I can't remember what she has written about in the other letters so I'm not sure how to comment.
I do wonder if she ever found a good partner. I hope so. Everyone deserves a good partner or at least a very good friend.

Anyway, here is a scrap book picture:

Steam which froze after emerging from the Miller brewery is responsible for the silvered appear-
ance of this tree.- Journal Staff Photo.

I always think trees look very pretty when this kind of ice coats a tree.

Here is a page from the joke book:

I like the cartoon. Enjoy.

Here is a random picture:

No idea when this was taken.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will drop by again for more Fading History.
Till then.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Harriet: April 2, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well that was one wet week. It looks like it's suppose to continue through the weekend. Just another reason I will not be hiking this weekend. Oh well, what you going to do. Mother Nature is going to do what Mother Nature is going to do. Keep us all guessing what's going to happen next.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what is says:

                   Chicago Ill
                   Monday Eve.
Dearest Sweetheart of Mine
Honney will you forgive me
for not answering sooner but
haven't gotten around to answer
any of my letters for about three
weeks I believe.
Isn't that terrible but will
never let that happen again.
Well hon did you sep spend
(Easter) I was invited out for
dinner and talk about rain
why it just poured all day
but had a good time even
tho it rained ha! ha!
I heard that Carl Miller is
going to get married. Sure was
Suppose you are next eh;
Have you seen Freda lately
Was glad to hear that she
looks good and sweet-
Have Catherine & Johnnie
getting along. Not married yet eh?

Well whats new up around
there anyway.
I had my picture taken some
time ago but didn't turn out
near what good. Otherwise I
would of send you one.
Is Alice still home. Does she
look the same as ever.
Went to show Sat. night Saw
(Abie's Irish Rose)  and oh is that
a dandy picture. Almost laughed
myself sick. It's about a jewish
fellow falls in love with an Irish
girl and their fathers interfere etc.
It sure was comical.- If you
ever have a chance to see it
don't miss it.
Well dearest i think this will
be all for this time but will
promise to answer sooner next
Heaps of Love and Kisses
                    Your Sweetie
at Once

It sounds like it was kind of wet at that time also. I wonder how much rain they got at that time.
I wonder how she went out to dinner with and had such a good time.
As for the picture show she mentioned:
Image result for Irish Rose movie from 1929
This picture opened in 1929.
It was funny back then but one statement said it would not be funny today. But I think I would have to watch it for myself to find out if it's funny or not by today's standards.
It kind of focused on the differences between Jews and Catholics.
It was a play before it was a movie.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Mrs. James Sorenson (right) who did the cooking, is shown baking pies. The kibitzers are
(left to right) Robert Thomas, Mrs. C.P. Stebbins of Milwaukee and Ernest Miller. The men are
Indiana truck drivers.

This is one of the pictures from the big snow storm 1936.

And here is a page from the joke book:

I like the cartoon. I wonder how he explained how he got up there?

Finally, a random picture:

Lincoln memorial taken from the Washington Monument. Taken during someones class trip.

Well, that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you all have a good weekend.
Don't forget to come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Helen Balusik: March 25, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was good a busy. Saturday we spent it with our youngest daughter and her husband for a little while.Then on Sunday we went hiking for what will be the last time for awhile. The reason is because of wood ticks. We had so many on us it told me it was time to suspend it for now. We could start up again in maybe a month or longer.I'll let you know when we start up again.
As for the turkey problem, the alligator is not working. My next step, a pin wheel.
Enough of that, here is the next letter from Helen:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                           Phillips, Wis.
                         Mar 23/29
Dear Howard:-
    Well, how are you Howard?
Seems I never take time to
answer my letters anymore
getting lazy on the job- Ha Ha.
I usually like to go out on
Saturday evenings but tonite
its so gloomy out there, I rather
stay home & keeping the home
fires burning.
  I was in town this after
noon had a lovely ride with
my brother. He is such a
dear boy sometimes & then
sometimes just the opposite.
  Him & I intend to go to
church one of these days
seeing its holy week. I'll have
to get him to go for once, altho
he don't go very often.
I bet your brother was glad
to have you back to keep
him company. What would
he do without you?

So, you say you wouldn't
mind having some one to
throw rolling pins at you?
Perhaps you would think
different if it really was so- ha ha.
  But for a fact there is
nothing like being single.
Because its like jumping into from
a frying pan into fire. That's
what I was told- so I believe
it too.
Well, Howard, pretty soon
I suppose you will be start-
ing your garden- are you
going to plant flowers? You
know flowers are the beauty
of this world. I'll have to
plant some for I sure do
love them- and pa he has
no use for them again.
Next week I start house
cleaning- Sure is a dandy
job waiting for me. Have to
do the kalsoming & painting
but won't be able to finish
before Easter I don't think?
Don't you want to come & help?

I bet we wouldn't do much
then, do you think?- Ha Ha.
Anyway I love to work
when there is no one to boss
me. This way, I do it the way
I please it isn't like when
a fella works out for some
of those cranky women.
Have you seen any Robins
yet? The paper tells us some
have seen then already. So that
sure must be a sign of spring
I'm glad of it too. The winters
sure are long & dreary aren't
  Anna Novy is coming to visit
us this summer again. We
sure love that kid- just as
tho she was a sister.
Well Howard, I must sign
off- and answer the others
         Bye Bye

I nice polite letter.
I wonder how long it took for them to see the first Robins of the year.
I wonder how long Anna stays with Helen?
Did Grandpa plant flowers that year?

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Both feet of Joseph Sadowski (left) 315 Pulaski av., Cudahy, were frozen Sunday when he car-
ried his wife and two of his three children in his bare feet from his burning home to a neighbor's
house. The temperature was 12 degrees below zero. His wife and two of the children, Lucille, 4,
and Ernest, 12, are shown above. A 2 week-old baby is the other child. Firemen had difficulty
fighting the fire. The damage was estimated at $1,000.         (Journal Staff Photo)

I wonder what started the fire? Where is the baby and how is it doing?
I wonder how far away the neighbor was?

Here is a page from the joke book:


Finally, a random picture:

This picture was taken during someones class trip to Washington. Not sure what year.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Friday, May 12, 2017

Harriet: March 12, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dearest Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine was good. No real drama, except for dealing with a very annoying tom turkey banging on a basement window. I was getting tired of going outside and chasing him away. So I moved one of my outside ornaments that looks like a alligator and put it by the window. So far the last couple of days no banging. I hope he got the message. I'll keep you posted if he starts up again.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Harriet:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                   Chicago Ill
                    Monday Eve.
Dearest Howard.
Received your letter and it sure
did seem ages before you did
decide to answer. Of course will
excuse you as you are such
a ways from home.
You aren't very far from
(north pole) are you ha!
Hows the world treating you
up there anyway.
Suppose it is at least cold
enough eh!
It has been regular spring
weather here. So am loving
spring fever_ ha!
So Johnnie is also with you
He hasn't broke up with
Catherine has he?
I was out to see Lilia
yesterday. It takes about two
hours to get there. I sure got
enough of riding and how.
Did you have any pictures
taken while you are up there

If so don't forget to send me
Gosh I haven't any thing to write
about as everything is the same
as Chicago always is.-
Went to show last night. Saw
Al Jolson in Singing Fool. This was
the 3rd time I did see that
picture. and wouldn't mind to
see it again It sure is swell.
Suppose you have a cute dame
on the string by now.
Suppose they are all sweeping
you off your feet. Just be careful
big boy. Or there might be some
one who would like to interfere
I ain't saying who tho.
Well honney guess its time for
me to be in bed. Altho I don't know
what time it is as I took my
wrist watch to the jeweler to-day to be
repaired- So am just lost without
With heaps of love & kisses
                            Greet Johnnie

I wonder where Grandpa was that she said he was close to the north pole.
Who is Johnnie and did he break up with Catherine?
As for Al Jolson in "The Singing Fool"
Image result for al jolson

This was his first "all Talkie" movie that was made in 1928. It did hold the attendance record for 11 years until "Gone with The Wind".
Al Jolson was at one time known for doing some things in black face. But there was a lot more to this man then that. He was a very good entertainer and known to have influenced many singers through out the years.
He died in 1950 at the age of 64 of a heart attack.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Clayton Brown (right) 22, crawled eight miles across ice in Lake Michigan to an Indian's
cabin at Goodhart Mich., Monday night after he, Claude Beardsley (center), 51 and Coast
Guardsman Earl Cunningham (left) had been swept into the lake aboard a skiff during the storm
Saturday. Beardsley and Cunningham froze to death. Brown will live, but may lose feet, doc-
tors said.

I think I already showed you another picture of Clayton Brown before. Claude Beardsley was his father-in-law.

Here is a page from the joke book:

Enjoy. I have.

Finally a random picture:

Her name is Patsy. Someones classmate.

Well, that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you have a good weekend and for all mothers, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Helen Balusik: Mar. 11, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good and a little busy. On Saturday we took our youngest daughter out to dinner for her birthday which was Friday. On Sunday the husband and I went hiking. We hiked about 13 miles. A little farther then we thought we would go but, we survived.The ticks are starting to come out. He had about 6 on him during the hike. I had none. I put the bug bracelets on my ankles. At least I think that's why I didn't have any. I will be continue wearing them.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

 As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

             Phillips, Wis.
              Mar. 9-29
Dearest Howard:-
    About time I should be
answering your letter isn't it?
Seeing its cold out tonite
I guess I better stay at home
near the heater.
  Really it seems winter will
never leave us- such storms
as there were this week.
Our mail man has been
coming four and five o'clock
in the afternoons, most of
the time- must have some
bad roads to go through.
  I wonder if you are back
at home by this time? I
suppose your brother misses
you when you are gone.
Pete was home this evening
but dolled up and left again
to see his girlie. They sure make
a fine couple- she works at
a store in Phillips, so of
course he drops in to see her
whenever he feels like. But
he claims he'll stay a bachelor

like my sister & I always
say we'll stay old maids, Ha Ha.
Nothing like being single, I
think at least there isn't
any fights & Quarrels going on
like there are in most
married cases.- don't you
think so? So Howard, you
should be glad your single
& free to the world
I could have laughed
yesterday I got a Valentine
almost a month late- but
there wasn't any name on
it so it keeps me guessing who
its from. Some one must be
Pete & I took pictures last
Sunday, but Pete has them
so I don't know how they
are if at least one is good
I'll send it to you next time
but I suppose will be bad
as usual-
  No, I haven't burned
yours that you send, me
Why should I? I always
keep snap shots & put them

in the album. We have it
almost filled with pictures now.
And whenever I get a chance
I swipe some I sure take
the opportunity.
  Pa is eating his evening
lunch. He always does that
I always feel he didn't have
enough for supper but that
isn't the cause. I myself
do it at times- seems to
taste better after- Ha Ha.
 Such news as I'm telling
you eh? I bet your thinking
she can keep that stuff for
Did you hear or read about
the fire in Tomahawk, no
doubt you did. Good thing
it wasn't our beautiful city
  Well Howard about
  time I should keep still
  isn't it?
          I remain
         Your friend
            As always

It sounds like winter was hanging on longer then they wanted to that year. I do wonder how bad the storms were?
I wonder if her brother Pete ended up with the girl he was seeing at that time.?
I wonder if she was able to get her hands on a picture to send him.
She is right about something tasting better the second time.
I wonder how bad the fire was in Tomahawk?
I could look it up but I'm not sure I will find it.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

This is a panorama photograph taken in Hyde park, London, of the funeral procession for King George V. it gives an inkling of the monster throng which lined the roadway to watch the funeral. Thousands of troops packed the streets in an effort to holding the mourning millions in check. The casket, drawn by sailors, is shown in the right foreground, followed by King Edward VIII and five other kings. Scores were injured in the crush.

I wonder who the five other kings were?

Here is a page from the joke book:

I think I had shown the one cartoon in the upper corner before. Enjoy it and the rest from this page.

Here is a random picture:

No idea when this was taken or who is in this picture. I thought with it being spring and farmers starting to work their field, I'd show you one from days gone by.

Well, that's about all I have to show today.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
Don't forget to drop by again Friday for more Fading History.
Till next time.
Your friend,

Friday, May 5, 2017

Helen Balusik: Feb. 21, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
How was your week? Mine started out not so good but it got better. The weather around here is finally being less wet. I'm so looking forward to a nice weekend.My youngest daughter birthday is today. So happy Birthday Sam! I 'm hoping to get a hike in this weekend too. With it getting warm the bugs a and ticks will be out in force.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

 AS always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

               Phillips, Wis.
                 Tue. evening
Dear Howard:-
  Was surprised to
see a letter from you
this morning- I just
answered yours but
there wasn't much to
it so I better make up
and write more.
So, you are in the
woods now, wish I
was there to help you
(Ha Ha) I don't think
they would want
such a worker
like me.

It's only six o'clock, pa is
still in the barn and I
am playing the Victrola
have a jazzy piece on I
sure feel like dancing (ha Ha)
Maybe I would if I had
a nice partner to dance
with- Just listen to me
talk all of a sudden. I
shouldn't talk that way
when I'm no dancer.
and don't want to be.
I danced plenty from
fifteen years till almost
eighteen. But I'm glad
I have changed from
such a habit.
It's getting dark, I can't
even see straight to write
so excuse me a minute
till I light the lamp-
  Well here I am- much
better with the light on.
The windows are froze to the
top, another big frost I suppose.

Sunday I was home all day
pa was gone most of the
day so I did most of the chores
at night. Then in the evening
some of the neighbors kids
came over and we played
The paper tells us Linberg
is has found his girl- made
me laugh when I read that
millions of girls envy Miss
Marrow- I suppose they do
but I wasn't among them-
( Too bad about me eh?)

But for a fact I don't
consider the wealth of
anyone. We are to
humble ourselves not
boast what we can do
ain't that right?
  I heard from one
of my sisters the other
day she said she has
a big secret to tell me
but didn't want to
tell me in the letter,
so naturally I have been
wondering what it could
be- but I won't give
her the satisfaction
asking what it is as

long as she didn't tell it.
  My brother is learning to
roller skate in one of the
dance halls, they let them skate
wherever wants to. He says it's
more fun then ice skating
but I don't think so because
this is an indoor sport while
the other is out in the fresh
I don't believe you when
you say you think a lot
of me. - because you
don't know me yet. Maybe
you will think different after
you know me personally- but
I hope we will always be
friends as we were in our
letters- don't you?
  I must resign now
and read a little yet. Just
finished the "Myserious Rider" it
certainly was good.
      Bye Bye Till next
         Just a little lonesome

On the envelope it was went to John Halberg Camp. One of the many logging camps in the area.
I wonder how long he stayed there that year?
I wonder what kind of secret her sister had and how long it took them to share it.
She sounds like the older she got the less she cared for dancing. I do wonder what kind of jazzy song she was listening to.
As for Linberg, it sounds like a lot of girls were heart broken that he was no longer on the market. The heart throb of the day I guess.
I wonder how often her brother went roller skating. What would they think of today's rolling skates.
I wonder if the book she mentioned was Mysterious Rider. Did Grandpa read it too?
Lots of wondering in this letter.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

St. Adalbert's Church, recently completed at a cost of $40,-
000 at Rosholt, Wis., is of Romanesque design. It will be dedi-
cated as soon as the Rev. Michael Klosowski, pastor of the church,
recovers from an illness.

I wonder how much building a church like this, would cost today? Does it still stand today?

Her is a page from the joke book:


And here is a random picture:

This picture looks like it could have been taken around the right time as this letter.

Well that's about all I have to say for today.
I hope everyone has a very good weekend.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Helen Balusik: Feb. 18, 1929 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. We hiked about 10.91 miles on Saturday. It was on the chilly side but it it made the hike no to bad. The temps were in the high 40's I think. Sunday we stayed home and did things around the house. Plus it was on the windy side.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                  Phillips, Wis.
                  Feb. 17-29
Dear Howard:-
    Sorry I am so late in
answering- Many thanks for
the Valentines-
  Well Howard, I won't have
much time to answer your
questions in the last letter but
anyway lets forget about
what was said about you.
I didn't think it was very
true anyway.
I am having company for
dinner today so I'll have to
put some speed on. Have to
make some extra desert &
can't think of what to have (Ha Ha)
Such a cook eh?
  I don't think I can go to
church today because pa is
going out and my brother
wants me to stay home keep
company with the rest of them.
It sure is cold all the
time, isn't it? Seems spring

is so far away yet- Gee Easter
comes pretty early this year
isn't it? Somewhere around
my birthday I guess- Ha Ha.
  Well Howard, I would
write more but the girls want
me to get through quick so
we can go skiing this after
  Will write more next
      Bye Bye.

I wonder what kind of valentine did he give her?
It sounds like she had a lot of things to keep herself busy.
I wonder if she was able to answer the questions he asked.
Did he try to push her for answers or let it go?
I hope she had a good time skiing.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

This strange spectacle, an ox pulling a sleigh, has been a common sight on the streets of Munising, Mich., during the last few months. The conveyance is owned and driven by Charles Brown.- Mildred M. Keeton Photo.

Now that is something I would love to have seen. How about you?

Here is a page from the joke book:

I like these jokes. Enjoy.

Finally, here is a random picture:

Just one of the logging pictures. Because I think that at this time Grandpa could have been working at a logging camp.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,