Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Theresa Lambert; Dec 18, 1919, Chicago

Dear Friends,
How are you? Me I'm starting to feel a little better with the snow finally starting to melt. Well it's Tuesday so it's time for another letter. This one is from Theresa.

In case it's hard to read here is what it says:

Dear Friend;
Well I am answering
your letter received several
days ago. It's so near
Christmas and I have to
work till 6:35 and never
get home till nearly eight
o'clock and then I am so
tired I fall for the bunk. I am
not peeved at you or anything
like that so don't get excited
No my music lesson consists
of cornet and piano. My
music teacher is giving
a Christmas party. Oh boy
that's when the fun begins
I remember one time about
two years ago when the
saloons were open, my music
teacher and several of the
others even, women were
stewed and us kids well we
had a heck of a time. I got
home that night, morning
rather, at 5:30. There were
six boys and Catheryn &
I. You can imagine.
Well I hope we have just
as good a time this year.
Say by the way if you
want to be a real good
sport for me let me know
if Katheryn has written any-
thing in her letters about
me. You need not be
afraid I will say any-
thing to her about your
 address or what you are
going to tell me. Where
do you work since you
live in such a big city
it seems as if there is nothing
to do but walk the streets.
You can write in pencil
if you want to I don't care
because I know what it is
when your on a farm.
Well , just to be a good sport
my birthday happens to
fall on the fifteenth day
of March nineteen hundred
and twenty ha ha. I
am going to be sour seventeen
come to think of it. I am
getting rather old gee whiz
I better wake up and go
on a honeymoon soon.
How about it eh! Oh well
I am nutty nuty yet so
good bye for this time.
Wishing you and the
rest a Merry, Merry,
Xmas and a Happy
new Year,
Your Friend,

It sounds like Theresa is working hard. She mentioned the saloons not being open. I know this was the start of prohibition. I looked it up and it became the eighteenth amendment Jan. 16 1919 and was activated one year later on Jan. 17 1920. It lasted until Dec 5, 1933.
I wonder how good she was at the cornet and piano?

Here is a random wedding picture of someone.
I can't make out what the name of the studio but I think it was in Appleton Wis.

This is Grandpa. I wonder how old he was in this picture?

It looks like they must have been have a boxing match.

I wonder if he made it himself or if someone else did?

Well that's all I have for you this time. i hope this letter finds you happy healthy.
So till next time.
Your Friend,

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