Friday, April 14, 2017

Anna: Jan. 21, 1929 Majorville, Alberta, Canada

Dear Friends,
I was so glad for me this was a short week for work. I am so needing a three day weekend, again. With Easter this weekend it will once again be kind of a busy one. At least it's not work.
Anyway, here is a letter from Anna. I'm not sure if it's an Anna I've already shown you or if it is a different one.

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says (in some places I might get it wrong):

               Majorville, Alberta
                  Jan 21, 1929
Dear Howard: Kid you have
been on my mind ever since
I read your letter. What is the
matter Howard- discourage
with life? I know you are but
Howard don't let one or two
women spoil your life. I guess
I haven't been the pal I use to be
a nesther have I Howard? I
am sorry if I hadn't. There
is all kinds of stories isn't
there and there always is two
sides to them. Every time we
get a song about Mary on the
radio and there are several of
them I think of you two. You
can't imagine how sorry I am

over it. I have some experience
in life my self in that way so
even if you don't think I can't
understand I do and I think I
can see both side of it. I
have had several problems and
some since I landed up here.
There is a especially two that
has bothered me and I am afraid
I will have to worry about a
third problem. This might sound
funny to you Howard but
I'm just writing this to show you
I understand and as Hilda K.
said- please show this to nobody
Find something interesting
to do and things will come out
right- it's bound to one way
or the other. I know it's hard
for you and Tom there alone.
Just think Howard if many
had gone through with it and

then changed her mind wouldn't
it been a lot harder. I know my
self that I wouldn't & couldn't
let a man change for me if he
didn't do it for his God & my God.
Don't you think she has had a
heartache also- I can bet she has
Enough said. I'm always
giving you a sermon but oh
Howard I don't mean it that
way at all so don't misunderstand.
I'm having such a good time
up here. If one don't come along
some one else does and so so
no wonder I have a hipa now
of a time. The kids are bound
I'm going to learn to dance and
I don't want to. Freda & Lois went
to a big one in Queenstown  Fri.

I had three chances to go but
wouldn't when I couldn't dance.
One party ( I was dumbfounded) stayed
home when I woulldn't go. We went
out Thur night & sat instead Tues.
night is another one. Freda wants
me to go but I don't want to a
bunch from this neighborhood
is going and I know I'd have a
good time. I have been trained to good.
it was more fun when I knew I'd
get a lecture afterwards eh what!
The kids around here claim they
are going to teach me.
There is a young couple that
are staying at one of our neighbors
here this winter. The old folks are
gone and say if we don't have
a great old time. We go so
much and have so much company
that time flies by so fast.
The teacher is planning on having
some thing in the school house

soon. He wants me to help him
with it. Talk about cut up.
One of the neighbor boys& his sister
and the teacher & I went to Queenstown
one night last week. Us
four some can have a cincus
also. there is such a lively bunch.
I want to go in to Lids soon
I know I'll have a good time there
also because there is a lively bunch
there also and in the winter
time everybody takes it easy and
just enjoy them selfs.
Lid and Jennie & family went
north for Xmas. Lid and three
men neladrin of Jennies went
moose hunting and got lost.
They had to stay out in the
woods all night and they

claim it was real exciting.
it's a bush country up there.
it's about three hundred miles
from here.
Gro promised Freda & I a
triped to Calgary soon. Hope we
can go. I have an invitation
tonight a girl freind of ours who
was married just before Xmas
is married and lives near Calgary.
and I want to go so bad.
if I stay over next summer I
want to take in the Calgary Stampede
you should see some of the stunt
riders etc. I have seen them
at the smaller affairs and it's
so good. The Stampede is a lot
like the fairs back home only
they do so much riding here.
I have seen so many new
things since I came up here
but that's natural because you
can say it's a new country
but oh how I wished I could
have just a good old time

like we use to have. I know
I have had more chances to
get out here etc. I was telling
Freda about the dance at Winells
barn- the other day- She is
such a good scout. It is so
funny but I miss her just
terribly when she's gone and she
claims she does when I'm gone.
She says I can go home for
next Xmas- but I claim we
are both going home this summer.
but I never plan on anything
anymore because if I do I always
have got a sick stomach which up
set my plans& spoil them.
It doesn't seem long since
we went to Copper Falls that
Sun. We never knew then

what was in stone for all
of us in the future did we.
This is a funny world isn't
Howard and we each and
every one of us have to play our
own game not for losing or
gaining it seems but fave & square
I don't want you to think women
are4 so terrible they have their
side of the story also.
Write to me soon won't
you- I have written so fast
that I'm afraid you can't read
Helsa I am so micki forthom
me.          As ever the same
                  old-    Anna

I know there are a number of words I was not sure of. They might be Swedish words or just very bad spelling not sure.
Anna, I think, might have been his cousin. I think I might have shown you one before but I'm not sure.
Anyway, I think he was writing to her about losing Mary and maybe another one that I don't know about. She was doing her best to make him feel better and to encourage him not to give up looking for the right one.
It sounds like she was enjoying Canada. I wonder if she stayed there and if I have relatives up there some where. I guess I'll have to ask questions to my Dad about that or maybe my aunt.
It sounds like she was not much of a planner but like to do thing spur of the moment.
I wonder if she ever learned to dance.
I wonder if she knew the other side of the story with Mary.
Anyway, long letter and your tired of reading about it.
Here is a picture from the scrap book:

 (Thursday, March 26, 1929)
Cameron, in Barron county,
was under several feet of
water when this picture was
taken. A creek tributary to the
Red Cedar river, overflowed
when a heavy rain melted snow
in the hills northeast of town.
The efforts of 50 men, who piled
sandbags, and freezing weather
Tuesday night allayed the dan-
ger.- W.F. Erickson Photo.

I wonder how long it took them to dry out after that.

Here is a page from the joke book:

Enjoy the jokes.

And here is a random picture:

I thought since she mentioned Copper Falls I'd show another picture of it.

This has been a very long post. I know you are tired of reading it. So I will just wish you all A Happy Easter.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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