Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Harriet: Jan. 4, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well, I had a good weekend. On Sunday my husband and I started our big adventure of hiking the Ice Age Trail. We started at Wood Lake. it took us 2 hours and twenty minutes to do it. I'm so looking forward to the next one. Not sure if it will be this weekend or not. Have a few other things to do, like a baby shower for my youngest daughter. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, here is the first letter for 1929 from Harriet:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                      Chicago Ill
                     Thursday Eve
Dearest Sweetheart of mine
Received your darling
letter yesterday and was
so glad to hear from my
darling again.
Hope you are over the
flu by now. There is so
many sick with it up
around there isn't it
What did you do
(New Years eve) I went
to a party and sure
did have a wonderful
New Years day I stayed

except in the evening I went
to a show.
yesterday being my birthday
I stayed home had a few
girl friends over and made
a little party out of it.
We had four days vacation
no so had eh
So lost all my ambition by
the time I went back to
work again.
It has been snowing here
all day. So looks some what
like Xmas now than it
ever did.
Well whats new up there
anyway. Anybody else gotten
married or did the game
break up. ha! ha!
Gee am I tired & sleepy to-
night after all these holidays
So as soon as I finish this
letter I am going to bed and
I don't mean maybe either
Has Freda gone back to Chicago
yet. Why not come along with

Wouldn't that be swell honney)
Well honney I haven't any
news in particular so might
as well sign off for this time
With heaps of (love & kisses)
                 Your Sweetheart
Please answer
immediately Darling

 I wonder how old she was at that time? I hope she had a good day with many more to follow.
I wonder if Grandpa had the flu very bad.
It sounds like the weather was nothing unusual at that time.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

It was so cold at Jackson that
shovelers held up tools to
protect their faces.- Journal
Staff Photo.

One of the many men that where trying to shovel their way out of things.

Here is another page from the joke book:

This is the next page. There are a few more of the clues for the puzzle. So if you are working on the puzzle these might help you complete it.
Enjoy the rest of the jokes and the cartoon.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

No idea when it was taken or where this is.

Well that's about all I have for you today. I hope the weather will start having more warmer temps.
I hope you drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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