Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kathryn Clary: Nov. 28, 1919 Chicago

Dear Friends,
How are you? I'm fine except for being very tired of too much snow.
Any way here is the next letter from Kathryn.
Here is what is says in case it's hard to read. This time I will try to correct the mistakes.

Dear Friend:
 I received your letter and box of candy and certainly appreciate
your thoughtfulness in sending it. I was very glad to hear from you
so soon as I tho't maybe you would not write as soon as that.The
candy was very good and your letter very nice. I don't mind your putting
Dear Kathryn down it does not make any difference to me. Yet this
letter was very nice and that's the kind I like. So you say you do not
get lonesome out there, well if you like it that makes it still better.
So you get home that early eh? Well I must say that it is early, what do
you think? Oh I think Santa Clause will come to you I don't think you
are quite that bad do you? Well I do hope he comes to me because I want
so many things that I can't count them all. What all do you want? Yes I
have a camera, what made you ask that question? Do you still take as many
pictures? We don't take them very often lately we're too busy with shows.
I go to a show almost every nite. Theresa and I don't go together anymore
her mother shut the door in our face the other day when my girl friend and
I were over there and I don't know what now why Theresa is mad and I care
less. If that's the way she is I don't care to go with her any more, she
thinks she can make the whole bunch fall for her just because she has a
lousy Cheverlet and she found she was mistaken. Her mother tho't that I
 wrote some fool letter to Theresa that I don't even know anything about nor
and I going to find out either, if she gets sore at me for something she
thinks I've done and can't prove it or is not sure of it that is her fault
and not mine. I can have all the friends I want and I don't have to vamp
them as she does. I don't care whether you tell her this or not because it
is only the truth anyhow. I guess she is too busy vamping some one to bother
writing to you otherwise I do not know anything about her. I wouldn't give
her Greetings for the President so if you want to give her any greetings
you will have to write to her yourself and tell she has not enough brains
to write to you and I can't help it. I suppose you think I am rather fresh
but I am just telling you some plain facts. No I have not been skating this
year yet but I expect to as soon as they freeze the parks. The first snow
we have had was Thanksgiving Eve and it is not very cold here, is it cold out
there? How is your mother, father, Thomas, Elmer, the cat, cows, chickens &
of course yourself? I hope you are all enjoying the best health. Say
how much would you charge for a case eggs? Can you get sugar out there?
We can't get any out here. Do you read books very often? What kind do you
like? I like mystery stories don't you? I hope you had a nice time Thanks-
giving did you? I slept until 12:00 pm and then I got up and ate my dinner
and fooled around the house until about eight o'clock and then I went to
the show. Our Boss is not down today and of course everyone in the office
is stalling with the exception of me. Theresa does not work here anymore and
so you see we are away from each other entirely. I'll close now.
Your best friend,
K. Shirley Clary

The more she wrote the more upset she made herself upset with Theresa. I've looked up a couple of definitions for vamp and vamping this is what I found.
Vamp: A woman who uses her physical allure to attract and exploit men: a forward girl who endeavors to entice or captivate men.
Or maybe she meant the upper leather of a boot or shoe, but I doubt it.
Some of it will be explained in future letters.

I've decided not to post any more winter pictures from the scrape book. I am instead showing you a few pictures of people I do not know. Maybe you do.

This is someone's wedding picture. It was taken at Dake (I think) Medford WI

Here a couple of logging pictures. I like the guy who is just hanging around. How about the guys sitting on top of the log pile? No idea who they are.

Well that's about all I have time for now.
Till next time.
Your friend,

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