Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mary Kauer: Feb. 23, 1926 Rib Lake Wis.

Dear Friends,
How was your weekend? Mine was a half and half kind of weekend. Half wet and half dry. It made it very interesting for the wedding I attended. It was an outdoor wedding. They do say it is suppose to be a symbol of good luck. But it was not a heavy rain just drizzly.
Anyway here is the next letter from Mary:

 Here is what is say for those of you that have a hard time reading it.

                Rib lake, Wis
                Feb. 23, 1926
Hello Howard:-
  I got both of your
letters so I spose it's
time to answer now.
You said it was so lone-
some without your dad.
well, I can imagine
how home would seem
without pa, even if I
do scrap with him once
in a while.
 I started this letter
last nite but went to
sleep over it so I'll
try my luck now. I
bet you'd never guess

what I do now. Just
think I can roller skate.
Wilma had a lot of
fun the first time I
went because I couldn't
stand on the skates
but now I can skate
pretty good and gee
its fun. Almost more
than ice skating.
There is one (big Swede)
that goes and he's a
peach of a skater. He
goes frontwards,
backwards, sideways
and around in a circle.
When I can do all that
I think I deserve a

So Lavina and Elmer
are married at last. well
here's wishing them good
luck. I guess Lavina
worked here at Dick's
awhile, didn't she? I
saw her a couple of times,
at least I thot it was
her, but never to speak
to her. I think it's awful
that so many Swedes
come to Rib Lake. I'm
afraid there will be war
between them and the
Germans pretty soon.
Because you know they
never agree.
Well, I'll have to quit

writing now or I have
to up town yet and then
it will be supper time.
      Good luck and best
      Wishes from M.K.
Wilma made a silk kimono
for herself and she said
she'd lend it to for a week
when I get married but
I told her you wouldn't
have me and I didn't
know of anyone else
that would so I guess
she'll have to wear it herself.

It sounds like Grandpa missed his dad. For her to get two letters from him in one day tells me he had it bad for her but, they never really did anything about it.
Elmer finally got married. I hope I spelled her name right.
She always has to mention things about Swedes and Germans. I wonder if there was a lot of tension between the two groups back then or was it just something Mary liked to focus on. Maybe someday I will learn if there was.
I wonder who got to wear the silk kimono first on a special occasion.

Here are a few random pictures for you to look at.

Here is a picture of I think the same couple I showed you a couple of posts ago. It was taken I think in Birnamwood, Wis.(I think I spelled it wrong) Still not sure who they are.

I think this is Grandpa's brother Thomas.( We knew him as Uncle Thomas)

No idea who this is. But I do wonder if it might be Grandpa's dad. So that would make him my great grandpa.

Well that's about all I have for you to day. I hope you can come back on Friday for the next letter and random pictures.
Enjoy your week.
Till next time.
Your friend,

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