Friday, March 23, 2018

Gladys: March 16, 1933; Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
Well it's the end of another week. How did it go for you? Mine was the same old, same old. I do have to work tomorrow but I am off next week because the husband is finally going to have surgery on his foot. So I guess you can say next week will be a kind of roller coaster for me. Don't forget Easter is next weekend too. Things are a changin'.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Gladys:

It looks like there are more pages but the paper was to long to scan at once on a couple of them so I had to split them up.
As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                    Mar 16-33
Dear Howard:-
Thanks for your letter also
the Valentine if I have forgotten
to do so before. My! My! how
flattered I am to hear that you
have been thinking of me every
day. How could you do that
when you were buying a horse?
If you thought of me when
you bought the horse, Well!
What kind of a horse was it?
Laying all jokes aside I
will try to give you a little
news and answer your letter
I was delighted to hear all news

about clippings you sent me.
Gee! I don't know if I'll get
home this summer or not Maybe
some week end only because
can't afford to loose my pay
while I have it, have not had
any cut yet, but for a week
end I would not be docked.
I am interested in the glee
Club play, of course I'm sorry
you are not in it.
Say I sent a book home
that you can borrow to read
It's one of Willa Cathers, called
"The Song of the Lark". I am
sure you'll enjoy it.
Yes I did hear about you
& Edw raising chicks all I
can do is wish you a
heap of luck and you know
I really do think we've started
on the up road at last.
While out driving today it
seemed to me that people
looked happier, I am so
tired of seeing such care-
warn sad faces all over
as I have seen for the last
6 months, of course I do
think our president has
come forward & done the
main thing that was
necessary to lead us on
to better times. Now at least
we have the government
behind such banks as have

been reopened. Of course
the government was thought
& supposed to have always
been behind such banks &
all the time gangs & politicians
seem to have replaced the
government; so of course
things could not help but
weaken under crooked
management & all else that
has taken place. I think
lots of things these days.
& I know a few also for
instance In This Mornings
Tribune I read that some
one had put a plea (to
our government) at Washington
for a $250,000 memorial

monument to be erected in
memory of our departed mayor.
I think it's really horrible to
even whisper such a thing
in these times and in the
condition our city is in, for
instance, all the hunger &
suffering amongst  the living
Oh! I'm very angry at many
things these days.
Tomorrow evening Aunt
Hildegard & I are going to
hear a quartet at Messiah
Lutheran Church.
How did you ever remember
Dad's birthday. Gee! I wish
I could have spent it with

him, but as it is. I must
"Work for the night is
Coming" by that I mean
old age & I hope I can work
enough while I'm able so as
not to be too dependent later.
Our patient is gaining again
the Dr. was very pleased with
her condition this morning
Miss Gustafson is having
her wedding dress made
now & it will soon be June
& they will be married very
soon after ordination. Her
minister got a call from
one of the largest Lutheran
Churches in Duluth Minn.
So after a wedding trip to
his home in California there
is where they will be.
Well I really haven't any
news Howard. Every thing goes
on here in the same old
way day in & day out.
Next Monday I go on 2 wks
night duty again.
Do write me soon
again & greet Thomas &
all my friends. I hope
you notice the all "Ha Ha"
guess I have very few up there
but friends who don't believe

in you are not worth
having- That's the way I
feel. When I have a friend
no one can turn me
against anyone just from
what I hear. I must really see
& know for myself.
Well so long & do
write me soon again
& give me all the news.
             as ever Gladys

Wow! Now that was a letter. Boy did she nail the problems of the government on the head. Gangs and bad politicians. It's still happening today. I agree with her about them spending money on a monument when so many people were going hungry.
It does sound a little like people were starting to feel better but I think they had a long way to go at that point.
I hope the other nurse had a very nice wedding. I wonder how long they lived in Duluth.
I wonder if Grandpa was able to read the book she suggested.
I do like her idea of true friendship.I believe what she believes.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Shirley Temple, curly topped screen starlet, is seen above
dressed in a cowgirl's costume, riding a trick pony at Palm
Springs, Calif., where she is spending a brief vacation between
pictures.                       (Wide World Photo)

I think I've seen this picture before.

Here is a joke from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs". 1956:
Now this can be taken in a couple of different ways. Which one are you thinking about?

Finally, here is a random picture:

The Johnson children from a time gone by.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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