Friday, February 24, 2017

Helen Balusik: Nov. 26, 1928 Phillips, Wis.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Well most of it was good, until Friday. I think Mother Nature wanted to show us all four seasons in one week. Oh well we'll live.
Here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

                     Phillips, Wis.
                 Saturday eve.
Dear Howard:-
   Yours came this A.M.
and sure enjoyed every
bit of it.
Tonite is such a cold
nite, seems good to stay
home only if I had a
radio now, wouldn't it
be grand?
I will have to write later
for I guess someone is
knocking at the door
see you later!
Here I come again
few minutes later it
was only a friend to
see pa about some
lodge meeting so that's

So don't know whether
you are going hunting or not?
The boys around here can't wait
till the season opens- I hope there
isn't any accidents happen like
I heard of one today.
Two fellas went out hunting
together and after they separated
one of them saw a fox so shot into
it and at the same time this
other fellow was somewhere
near it and also was shot
with the same bullet. So the fella
was taken to the doctor quickly &
from there to the hospital. He
was shot in the hip and today
he died. I knew one of the fellas,
not the one that died. Isn't it
sad when something accidentally
happens like that?
We had our heater put in
yesterday it sure feels good to be
near it just now. wish you
were here instead so I could
talk instead of write.
I sure had to laugh when
you wrote haw bashful you are
to come up here like my brother
was to go to dinner up to his girls

place. Really are you so bashful
as all that? Well, I suppose it
takes alot of nerve, seeing we
never saw each other, but it
doesn't seem we are such
distant strangers does it , all the
letters we have written eh?
I'm sorry Howard, but I really
don't know the name of the people
Gladys Martin is staying at but
i could find out for you next
time I get to see her- I'll do that, eh?
Didn't I tell you I had two
sisters, and one was married?
She lives in Chicago. I surely
am anxious to see her again

she was home only a
couple days last summer
so I'll make her stay
awhile after she comes
maybe two weeks.
Did you read in "The Bee"
Frank Novy came back
from Evanston? He sure
came back quick this
time. I wonder why.
well tomorrow is Sunday
School again. If the
weather isn't too cold I'll
We have church every other
Thursday evening while the
roads are open then I
suppose we have to go
without having any

services. I'm use to going
to church alot so I sure will
miss it during the winter.
Pa wants me to keep house
for him during winter so
I guess I'll have too, altho I
enjoy being my own boss for a
change instead of being under
a boss all the time.
Well, Howard, its now almost
eleven I wonder if you are
atill up or in dreamland.
I haven't had any pictures
taken for a long time, other
wise I would send you a
couple- Wish you had some
more to spare??
Yes, I wish I was in California
now that winter is approaching
don't you? Wait till we get
snow bound
They say green is good for
the eyes (Ha Ha) No wonder
I'm using it eh?
Well Howard, Be a good
boy now and live close
to Jesus daily- Bye Bye
               "The Helen"

I wonder who the two fellas were that were involved with the shooting. I wish she would have mentioned their names. I wonder if something like that happened today what the odds are that he would have survived.
I guess we will never know.
As for Grandpa being bashful, not sure I believe it. But then again there is a lot I don't know about him in his younger years.
The Bee, is the local paper from that area.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Washington county- where human shovelers have to precede the snowplow so it won't get
stuck. Highway 41 was practically cleared when this picture was taken a mile south of Rich-
field Wednesday afternoon but Thursday it was snowing again- Journal Staff Photo.

Can you imagine if people today had to shovel before the snowplow could do it's job?

Here are a couple of random pictures for you to look at:

 It kind of looks like what it looks like right now.
I wonder what kind of big job had to be done.

Well that's about all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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