Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Helen Balusik: Dec. 11, 1928 Phillips, Wis

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was quiet and uneventful as usual. Of course Mother Nature keeps doing her best to keep winter around as long as possible.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Helen:

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what it says:

             Phillips, Wis.
             Monday eve.
Dear Howard:-
  Yours was received
some time ago but
I have been rather up
set here lately- My sister
was home during the
past week and busy
packing the childrens
things to go back to
the city. So while she was
here we did a lot of
visiting for she wanted
to see as many of her
friends as she could
while she was here. They left
Saturday night- I sure
seems dead around

here now- Especially when the
children are gone for they made
all the noise.
There has been a lot of accidents
around here during hunting
season. My brother was almost
shot. His boss was shot in
the arm perhaps you have
read about it. So now they
all have to go to the court-
and see what will be done.
Last night I was to a party
here at our neighbors place.
Had a pretty good time but
could be better-(Ha Ha)
Well Howard, you asked me
what nite could be the best to
come down- Saturday would be
better then Sunday - if I knew
just when you would come
I would plan to be home then
because I usually am gone skating
or somewhere most of the time.
Wasn't today one grand day
tho? doesn't seem like the
month of December at all- But
I suppose we get our share
of winter after New Year.
Pa is getting ready to go to bed.

I feel sort of sleepy myself-
Wish I had your radio here
Now to waken me up a little-
well Howard, this letter is
short but I can't seem to have
any more news. Will make
up for it next time, is that
alright with you?
I can imagine how bashful
we will be when we are to meet
Can't you (Ha Ha)
   Hoping to hear from
you again
    Lovingly Helen

Here is a clipping of the shooting she was talking about:

 Some things never change when it come to hunting. Some people become so disrespectful to others and where they live, they think they can do whatever they want to whenever they want.
I wonder how everything worked out.

It sounds like they were having a kind of warmer weather around here at that time.
I wonder how much longer it was before the two of them were able to get together.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Scenes similar to this one, taken on N. Sherman blvd., just north of W. Roosevelt drive, are common on the northwest side of Milwaukee. Ald. William Esser of the twenty-sixth ward, which comprises the far northwest side, reports that not an alley has been plowed and that many streets are closed due to drifting.

We had gotten an inch or two around here right now but I think East they were suppose to really get hit.

Here is a page from the joke book:

Enjoy this page.

Here is a random picture for you to look at:

It could be Grandpa but I'm not sure what year this was taken.

Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope you will come back again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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