Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Walter Walin: July 19, 1929 Chicago, Ill.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was good. I hung out with my new granddaughter on Saturday. She sleeps a lot. But she is a new born. Hopefully in a few weeks she be more aware of more things around her.
On Sunday the husband and I went hiking.. It was on the cool side around here but that was good. Not so many bugs. We had three kinds of protection against bugs. Lots of bug spray, bounce dryer sheets and a pouch of peppermint leaves. The next hike we take will be a better test to this kind of protection. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, here is the next letter from Walter:

Since it is a typed letter I will not repeat it. So enjoy.
I wonder who Gen was and how long Grandpa was with her.
Did Olive look up Walter? I hope not. He is beginning to sound like a real hound dog.

Here are the pictures he included with the letter:

 I think Grandpa is hiding in the back but I'm not sure. Thomas might be the one on the left.
 If that is Grandpa he is hidden better and Thomas is gone.
 Not sure who this is.
 I know Grandpa is on the right. I wonder if the other one is Walter.
 No idea who this is.
 Again not sure who they are.
I'm not sure which town this is. It could be Ogema.

Here is a picture from the scrap book:

Despite the great odds
against it, the Pere Mar-
quette car ferry, as well as
sister ships and similar ves-
sels of other lake lines
have carried on during the
worst winter in the history
of the lake. Hundreds of
tons of water were taken
on board by the City of
Saginaw in an effort to
weight her down so that it
could plow its own way
through the ice mountains.
At the right is shown mem-
bers of the crew with pike
poles chipping ice away
from the sides of the ves-
sel so that a better view of
the ice as it packed against
the sides of the ship could
be obtained. While the
crew bent to its task the
passengers, comfortable in
their quarters, spent the
hours tramping the decks.

I wonder if this year was the worst in history or if it has happened again after that.
How would you like a job like that, chopping off the side of the ship by hand?

Here is a page from the joke book:


Well that's all I have to share with you today.
I hope the rest of your week will be a good one.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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