Friday, February 9, 2018

Ann: Nov. 5, 1932 Gary Ind.

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week. Mine was the same old same old kind of week. It has been cold here. The days starting out below zero. I'm so looking forward to warmer temps.
Here is the next letter from Ann :

As always, for those that find it hard to read, here is what I think it says:

                      Nov. 1932
                      Gary Ind.
Dear Howard;
              I received your letter
and was very glad to hear from you
How's everybody? I hope your not sore
at me for not writing sooner, my
cousin got a letter from you, and told
me you had written to her about me,
not answering your letter. Well Howard
I'm sorry I keep myself busy working
in the bakery now I'm layed off and
worked in the market, the market
is over so I'm home again. How are
all the young folks out there. I wish
I could be with them, going to parties
dancing and all that. I think its
swell, I wish I could know some
more boys and girls threw letter
writing, how have you been spend-
ing your summer and fall? I
sure miss the place an awful lot
I wish you all could come here some
times to stay a while and see what
my place is like, and by the way
my sister would like to meet some
young people threw letter writing and

have a lot of fun, like young people
do. Helen Westberg wrote to me and
I answered her letter tell her to
answer me I'm waiting for an answer.
have you had lots of fun with the
girls and boys wrt write me all about
it I love to hear a lot of news from
else where, so please write me a
lot my cousin say hello to you
and everybody of course they are
all strangers to her but some day
we may go out there soon and know
everyone. so now I'll close answer
soon write me a lot.
regards to all Helen Bill Mother
and Dad to all my friends
                 Your true friend
1773 Polk St. Gary Ind.
P.S. Please send me a few snap shots of your friends
             I mean pictures I'll send some too

It sounds like the job scene for her was not easy at that time.
I hope she was able to find something that lasted a long time.
I think when she wrote "threw" she meant "through". I hope I got the right spelling.
I wonder if they were ever able to meet up at any point.

Here is a picture from the scrap book. 1936:

 After reported engine trouble, at first denied by Nazi officials, the new German zeppelin Hindenburg proceeded up the Rhone valley toward Germany Friday after receiving radio permission to fly over France. The airship is shown over Recife, Pernambuco, at the start of its return maiden voyage, now drawing to a close.- A.P. wirephoto.

I wonder how many flights it had before it's final fateful trip when it burst into flames. The engine trouble was a kind of warning of what was to come.

Here are few pages from the joke book, "Bedtime Laughs". 1956


Finally a random picture:

This might be one of the pictures Grandpa developed back in the early 1920's. No idea who the girls are. This picture is on the dark side. I did my best to lighten it up.

Well that's all I have to share with you today. I hope you have a very good weekend, mine will be short. I have to work on Saturday.
Don't forget to drop by again real soon for more Fading History.
Till then.
Your friend,

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